
It’s Never Too Late to Enjoy Work in the Vineyard

Stories from Another World: the Parables of Jesus

July 10, 2022 • Bill MacPhee • Matthew 20:1–16

Summer, and especially our 4th of July vacation weekend, give relief from the all too common competitive and dog-eat-dog work world. We once again experience the fresh wind of freedom that marks our beautiful country. This is part of the beauty of Sabbath rest—stepping back and checking attitudes and actions. Competition often leads to comparison ending badly in jealousy, ranking, and hurtful envy, ironically fouling our freedom.

Jesus wants to form us as extravagantly generous as he. Jealousy, comparison, and ranking make us small and stingy. Generosity expands our gratefulness, friendship, and joy. There is a Jesus-parable about early and late workers in his vineyard [Matthew 20:1-16], and it has the potential to teach us about God’s surprising value of grace, where our work never earns his pay. Join me as we enjoy the welcome of the landowner into his vineyard.