
How to Develop a Heart for God

May 12, 2024 • Todd Wendorff

It’s mother’s day this Sunday and we don’t want to miss the moment. We plan to honor our moms that make us all who we are today. Count on that. As we talked, it might be nice to have one of our women teachers focus on motherhood this weekend but we are not sure if we can pull that off. I had planned to teach introducing us to the life of David, King David, the young David who became king. He was described as a person after God’s own heart, not once, but twice. I planned to talk about what made him that kind of a person. It was in the interior of his life he formed the kind of person he became and his influence was the outcome. This is true if you are a person who works outside the home or if you are a mom or dad who cares for kids in the home. Thinking of mom’s this weekend, it could also apply to their role as well. A mom’s desired outcome is launching emotionally and spiritually healthy kids. The way to that goal is through the interior of their lives, much like David. So, even if we don’t pull off a mother’s day message, my message will apply to you moms and all women. Rest assured.