We are winding up a study from the 3 middle chapters in Romans, 6-8, all about how to live our new life in Christ. Just because we have been resurrected to new life does not mean we actually enjoy the fruit of it. Romans 6:1 begins, “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?" The rest of chapters 6-8 is about how to live free from enslavement to our unbridled passions that run roughshod over our lives. What seems like “a free and easy down the road I go” turns out to be a country song nightmare - the wheels come off the truck, your wife leaves, dog dies, and you run out of beer! Free and easy isn’t the answer to the big question we ask ourselves - What will truly satisfy? The answer... the Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:12-25 we discover that the Holy Spirit gives us a new identity as adopted children of God, heirs of the kingdom to come. One always lives out of their identity.
Holy Spirit Identity
New Life In Christ For Everyone - Romans 6-8
June 12, 2022 • Todd Wendorff • Romans 8:12–25