
The Widow Gave Everything. That’s Impossible!

October 1, 2023 • Todd Wendorff • Luke 21:1–4

I am going to lay it all out on the table. I hope it’s not your first time at The River. I’ve been at this thing called ministry now for about thirty years. I’m going to say what I’ve been thinking but have been afraid to say about where I feel the church is at today and our spiritual maturity. I’m using the story of the widow who gave her only two lepton, mites, and threw them into the temple treasury. We'll look at Jesus' truly scandolous and absurd observation (Luke 21:1-4). Set within a context of injustice and inequality, a woman gives away all she has. Oh, we can’t actually take that literally, we’d miss our next vacation. I’m personally not messing around anymore. This series on generosity has changed my heart. I have taken some serious financial steps to be the widow for our family. Serious financial steps. And the series is not about getting you to give. But if you aren’t giving, you are not a generous person. More fully, God doesn’t want your check, he wants your entire life. It’s about living a fully surrendered, fully sacrificial life of generosity where everything you own and possess is turned over to God. He doesn’t want 10%, He is asking for you to trust him with the other 90%. And that’s where it gets really scary. No thanks. Not sure if you have been that changed by this series. Haven’t really heard that much feedback. But this will not be another day at The River. Sorry. I’m going to say what I am truly sensing is from the Lord to the church today.

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