
How Is Your Listening

July 24, 2022 • Bill MacPhee • Mark 4:1–20

We live in a noisy world. For instance, every day we generate 294 billion emails, we upload 720,000 hours of new YouTube content, and we watch more than 1 billion TikTok videos. That’s a lot of content to wade through.

Jesus is speaking, he is the Word made flesh, but in an increasingly crowded world, we may not hear him; we might not even be listening.

We are forced to decide, to discern, and to pay attention to a fraction of what comes our way. Jesus tells the parable of the sower and four types of dirt in Mark 4:1-20, and it will be the springboard to help on our way to “consider carefully what you hear.” [Mark 4:24] As followers of Jesus’ words and ways, there are tangible practices he modeled that can help us hear him with life-transforming clarity.