
A Rejects Christmas: Shepherds

December 11, 2022 • Austin Johnson • Luke 2:8–20

Have you ever gotten locked into a certain reputation? Maybe you are always known as the late one, the drama one, the life of the party, or maybe it’s the godly one, or the bad one? Hope shows up to those who had earned a reputation.

A Rejects Christmas: Anna

December 18, 2022 • Drew Worsham • Luke 2:36–38

What if we have been viewing WAITING all wrong. What if “Waiting” is actually a core metaphor in the biblical narrative and what if “waiting” is a vital ingredient in the human experience. What if “waiting” is not only normal, but also sacred and essential in our relationship and walk with Jesus?

A Rejects Christmas: Mary

December 4, 2022 • Drew Worsham • Luke 1:46–59

The beauty and truth of the Christmas story is the promise that Hope & Joy shows up for those who feel overwhelmed, in over their head and overlooked.

A Rejects Christmas: Zechariah & Elizabeth

November 27, 2022 • Austin Johnson • Luke 1:5–25

What happens when the dream you feel like God gave you doesn’t happen? That thing you feel like God put in your heart and the core of your being. What about when it doesn’t happen? You follow Jesus, you are faithful, obedient, righteous, serve, etc. but God doesn’t come through?  That’s the story we enter into today.