

In A Disconnected Culture

Next Steps to Reconnect

April 25, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

We were never meant to be stagnant or motionless in our walk with the Lord. We were always meant to be moving forward toward maturity and faith in Christ. Two important steps that believers can take in their faith walk are membership and discipleship. Even though the New Testament doesn’t explicitly use the word, membership, the concept of belonging to a community of faith-believers is definitely implied. In the face of individualism that says, “truth is whatever I believe it is,” followers of Christ can stand united through covenant membership in their commitment to the truth of God’s Word and their love for one another. Membership in a local church should include the process of discipleship. Discipleship means we are essentially maturing in our faith and becoming more and more like Jesus. As we mature in our faith, we are also called to make disciples…who make disciples.

Reconnecting to Others

April 18, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly been successful in creating distance between people. Even though distancing was helpful to slow the spread of the virus, it was very unhelpful in keeping people connected in close relationships. We were not created to do life or ministry alone. Being connected to one another in Christ-honoring relationships was God’s plan from the beginning (Genesis 2:18) God designed us to need and care for one another. The Apostle Paul described his love for the Thessalonian believers by comparing it to the bond between a newborn baby and its mother. Believers today should continue to care for one another with the love and gentleness of Christ. This happens best when we are connected to one another in close, personal relationships.

Reconnecting to the Body of Christ

April 11, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

One of the most common descriptions of the Church in the Bible is the “Body of Christ.” What Jesus Christ did when He was on Earth in His physical body, He wants us to continue to do today. We are the Body of Christ on Earth. Our physical bodies are a creation of remarkable beauty and intricacy. And while certain parts seem more attractive than others, all are useful. Every part of the body relies on other parts to perform properly. This is a perfect analogy for the Christ-centered Church. When believers connect to the mission of the Church using their gifts and talents in order to serve and operate together, the whole body functions properly for the glory of God. In a time where many people are reconnecting to “normal life”, there is no more important place to connect (or reconnect) than the Body of Christ.