

Who is Like Our God?

June 19, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

In today’s culture world, proclaiming the uniqueness of the Lord can be unpopular. Sometimes we who believe in the Lord can be tempted to downplay His power and uniqueness. But, like Micah, we are called to affirm that the Lord alone is God. Who is like our God? No one! He alone reigns!

Because Of Your Sins

June 12, 2022 • Mark Hartman

God takes sin seriously because sin destroys what is good. He made a good world that he wants us to enjoy and he has told us how we can enjoy it in righteous ways. However, we are often tricked by the lie that says God’s ways are harsh and restrictive, so we end up hiding from God and trying to enjoy what He has created in wicked ways that leave us enslaved, feeling ashamed and alone. God wants us to see that sin never end’s up giving us what we hope it will and that He is our generous Father who wants us to come to him with our desires.

What Does the Lord Require?

June 5, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

Religious rituals can never compensate for a lack of love. External compliance to rules is not as valuable in God’s eyes as a humble heart that simply does what is right. God still requires His people to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly.

A Remnant Shall Be Delivered

May 29, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

In whom or in what do you ultimately place your trust? Most of us would initially respond that our hope is placed in the Lord. However, if we examine our hearts and lives, we might have to admit that we are often tempted to place our trust in earthly people or things. For example, money promises to ensure that we will be secure and that our needs will be met in this life, so we are tempted to place our hope in financial resources rather than in God. In Micah 5:7-15, Micah offers a word of hope regarding God’s restoration of the remnant of Jacob, which, ironically, promises that God will cut off horses, chariots and strongholds. In a section about hope and restoration, this seems unusual. However, Micah points out that God’s people will most assuredly know the Lord is the source of their hope because He will cut off all other forms of security and strength. God is not revealing His hatred against His people. He is restoring His holiness in His people.

A Ruler from Bethlehem

May 22, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

The hope of Israel and the World is the Messiah. God gave promises in His Word about a coming world that would be God-centered, truth-loving, and justice-respecting, filled with peace and victory. That coming day is completely wrapped up in and dependent upon one Person. That hope is only found in the living God, and He executes that hope and accomplishes it through His Son. Israel’s hope is our hope…the hope of Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s Future Reign

May 15, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

God can use our greatest defeat to become our greatest rescue. Following the declaration of judgement over Israel’s political and religious leaders in chapter 3, Micah pronounces Israel’s future defeat in chapter 4. Assyria and Babylon will eventually come in judgment against God’s people, taking them into exile. And just when it seems all hope is lost, Micah points to a coming Savior. One who will gather a remnant of those who have been driven away and will usher in a reign of peace. This King of Kings will forever free His people from the very things that led them away from the Lord. The suffering and pain of God’s people will give way to the victory and peace of their wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.

Judgement Against Israel’s Leaders

May 8, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

Whenever a nation is spiritually unhealthy, it shows up in its leaders. In Micah chapter 3 the prophet first addresses the corrupt governing leaders of Israel who had misused their power for their own benefit. Secondly, Micah rebukes the religious leaders of Israel who were not rebuking or correct the people for their disobedience. Micah models the power of a just and true prophet who relies on the power of God to lead. Why should we care? Because we each have power and influence, we can either use that power and influence for good or evil. We can either commit injustices with the authority God has given us or we can act just and true. Either way, we must answer to God for those deeds.

Woe to the Oppressors

May 1, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

Micah continues his pronouncement of judgment against Israel with a rebuke of the oppressors. These evil leaders used their power and influence to take advantage of the weak and powerless, and to suppress the Word of God. Even the prophets who were supposed to be the voice of God, had become corrupt and proclaimed only what tickled the ears of the people. Therefore, in God’s judgment the land would become desolate – a heap of ruins. Yet there is hope! A Shepherd-King will come Who will gather a remnant of God’s people and lead them out of captivity and into freedom! This is the promise of the Messiah!

Coming Destruction

April 24, 2022 • Chan Mitchell

Love and hate. Peace and justice. Grace and wrath. In seven short chapters, the prophet Micah presents the true picture of God – the almighty Lord who hates sin and loves sinners. Much of the book is devoted to describing God’s coming wrath and judgement over His people who have fallen deep into idolatry and division. However, Micah also reveals the hope of God’s love and grace for all call upon the Lord and repent of their sins. The words of Micah challenge us to exercise justice and kindness to others and press on toward a world that better resembles the Kingdom of Heaven. “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).