
Compartmentalized Faith

Part >> 1

June 21, 2020 • Chan Mitchell

Christians are called to be Christians, not just some of the time, but all of the time. We are called to be Christ-like in all situations, not just some. When Christians have a compartmentalized faith, their faith doesn't define any other area of their life. This kind of faith is not real faith at all.

Authentic Faith

August 2, 2020 • Chan Mitchell

Trees are consistent in the kind of fruit they produce. Apple trees produce apples; pear trees produce pears, etc. Healthy trees will always produce healthy fruit. Trees that are diseased and dead will produce unhealthy fruit or no fruit at all. In the same way, followers of Christ should bear spiritual fruit in their faith. If we are connected and rooted in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will produce the Fruit of the Spirit in us. The world will know us by our fruits.

Hidden Sin

July 26, 2020 • Chan Mitchell

Darkness is a dangerous thing. Nothing healthy grows in the dark. Flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables all grow in the light. But things like mold, fungus and moss thrive in dark environments. Sin is like mold. It grows in secret and shady places. The kind of growth we want is growth that happens in the light. What we hide in the darkness, holds us back from God’s light.

Making the Unknown Known

July 19, 2020 • Chan Mitchell

Each of us possess certain skills, abilities, and passions that were once unknown to us before we discovered them. Likewise, there are unidentified gifts, undiscovered talents, and future callings that are unknown to us and others. But guess what? They are NOT unknown to God. And He has a desire to develop the unknown areas of our life.