
Headship and Submission

Part 17 >>

September 19, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

This passage is probably one of the most difficult and misunderstood passages in 1 Corinthians because Paul
uses words and ideas that he assumes his Corinthian readers will understand. However, the issues and
questions Paul addresses in this passage fly in the face of the politically correct culture we live in today.
Specifically, Paul tackles the issue of how men and women were to conduct themselves in public worship,
respecting culturally relevant gender markers like head coverings, hair lengths, and hairstyles as a way of
honoring God and each other. Paul explains the biblical purposes of headship and submission to emphasize
that men and women were both created equally in the image of God but were also created uniquely for
different roles.

Imperfection that Brings Hope

December 5, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

1 Corinthians 16 concludes Paul's long letter to the church in Corinth. In this final chapter, Paul offers some practical applications to help maintain unity in the Body. He instructs them on how to prepare a special collection of funds for needy Christians in Jerusalem. He describes his plan to visit them in person after wrapping up his ministry in Ephesus and stopping by churches in Macedonia. He reveals that Timothy and other leaders will be visiting them soon. Finally, Paul commends a team of faithful servants from Corinth that came to minister to him. Paul’s final words in the letter are a declaration of love for all.

Mystery and Victory

November 28, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

Our work in the Lord is not a waste of time. Our service is not in vain. Our worship is not a waste. Because of the resurrection, what we give for the cause of Christ and His kingdom has eternal value. 1 Corinthians 15:50–58 powerfully concludes Paul's teaching on the resurrection of Christ and His believers. When the last trumpet blasts and Christ returns for those who belong to Him, all believers in Jesus, living and dead, will be transformed into the glorified, eternal bodies God has promised us. Death will be defeated forever, never to hurt anyone again. Sin brings death, and the law is the power of sin, but God has given us the victory over death by forgiving our sin through faith in Jesus and by His grace.

The New Body

November 21, 2021 • Chan Mitchell

Just as in the days of the Apostle Paul, there seems to be a growing skepticism today around Jesus, His death and resurrection. However, few passages are more helpful in restoring our confidence than 1 Corinthians 15:35-39 and its promise of resurrection life. Paul makes a strong argument to skeptics in Corinth by drawing truth from creation in the way a seed comes to life, and in the way dust becomes glory. For those who trust in Christ, Paul says what is buried in the dust will be resurrected in the likeness of Christ. Utilizing a variety of analogies, Paul describes the indescribable - namely the way in which children of Adam formed from the dust of earth are raised to new life, given glorified bodies, and share in Christ’s heavenly glory.