
Mercy in the Aftermath

Part >> 3

May 3, 2020 • Chan Mitchell

When we think of the story of Noah and the great flood, there are so many different aspects to consider. Is the story about God’s wrath? Is it about the punishment of sin? Is it about reestablishing humanity? There are many different angles we can consider with this story. However, at the heart of the story of Noah and the great flood is God’s mercy. After the floodwaters receded, after the animals left the ark, and after Noah and his family stood on dry land again, God gave humanity a second chance. In the aftermath of the greatest storm in history, there was mercy. In the same way, in the aftermath of our own personal “storms”, God can establish a new beginning, give us a new perspective, and offer us His promises. If we pay attention, we will discover in the aftermath of the storms is where we find the rainbows in the sky.

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