The need for comfort reflects a deep-seated desire that drives people to seek environments that offer safety and peace. Comfort provides a sense of stability and emotional solace which is crucial for coping with life’s challenges and stresses. How does the church create that environment?
The Radical Love of an Intercessor
August 11, 2024 • Minister Rakeem Miller
Society says leadership is about ruling or lording over one’s subordinates. However, true leadership requires that a leader is a servant first. That is often exhausting, especially when one is leading stubborn and foolish individuals. Therefore, to radically love these individuals, leaders must intercede on their behalf, as Jesus interceded for us on the cross.
The Reciprocity of Love
August 4, 2024 • Pastor Jeremy Robinson
Loving each other well is part of the foundation of our rootedness in Radical Love. We cannot live radically through love without radically loving each other. The world will know our radical love through the radical love we show to one another. Jesus reminds us that the world will know what we show.