
Living a Courageous Life -- River Crossers

May 21, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Joshua 3

The Book of Joshua begins with the word “after”. It implies a continuation, a moving on from what God had been doing to what He’s doing now. God moves forward. And if we’re going to walk with the God who continues, who moves and advances — we are going to have to learn to do the same. God calls us to be river crossers. Our lives are filled with moments where we cross over — from where we once were to where we’ve been ordained to be.

Living a Courageous Life -- Commanded Courage for a Commissioned Assignment

June 11, 2023 • Elder Mary Jackson

God has hand-picked us, appointed and anointed us for His assignments, just as He did Moses and Joshua . God has assignments that have been tailor-made specifically for us. He trains and prepares us for each assignment and gives us His heart and mind to implement His plan. God gives us His courage, as we surrender our will. 

Living A Courageous Life -- Getting Out of the Way

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

We often view courage as something valiant, rare and unforgettable and that’s typically the case — Moses confronting Pharaoh, Esther going before the King and David standing up to Goliath were all undeniable acts of courage. But courage is also us getting out of the way. It’s doing what appears to be nothing, when something has to be done. It’s surrendering to God’s command to be insignificant and fade to the back, so He can be God front and center. Sometimes living courageous looks like getting out of the way.  

An Indestructible Courage for an Insurmountable Challenge

May 28, 2023 • Minister Rakeem Miller

Joshua is confronted with a time where courage is required to overcome his circumstances. However, the courage required isn’t his own courage, but rather the kind of courage that can only come from God. In the same way, we are confronted with moments where we need courage, but we must seek Godly courage. We believe that courage means the strength to do something we may be afraid or unable to do. However, courage from God comes when He reveals His heart and mind to us, equipping us with a passion and power to achieve his kingdom aims. Through today’s passage (Joshua 5:13-15), God will reveal to us what real courage looks like when confronted with a seemingly insurmountable challenge.