
The Coming Kingdom — Peace With Ourselves

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Genesis 1

So few of us live in a place of consistent peace with ourselves. Many of our emotional, psychological and physiological challenges are rooted in the fact we lack peace. But the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings has come to restore us to His Kingdom and to give us His peace and peace with ourselves.  

Scripture(s): NKJV

Genesis 1:31

Genesis 2:25

Genesis 3:6-11

3.12.2023 Message Takeaways

In the beginning all of creation was very good. 

Separation from God, also separates us from ourselves — locking us into sin and shame. 

Jesus came to deliver us from sin and shame, restoring us to the peace of His Kingdom.  

The Coming Kingdom: Well, Well, Well

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

The Kingdom of God is a never ending source of life for those who find it and are found by it. It is the will and way of God. It is the eternal rule and reign of God. It is the peace and goodness of God. Of all the things in this life to be pursued, discovered and realized, none can compare to the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is a well, well, well.

The Coming Kingdom: Peacemakers and Keepers

March 19, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

The destruction and chaos of this world is rooted in the rejection of God and the loss of ourselves in the pursuit of peace and goodness on our own terms.  When we reject God and choose our own way to peace and goodness it has a destructive ripple effect.  The coming Kingdom restores us to God, our true selves in Him and our call to be peacemakers and keepers of one another.   Scripture (s): NLT • Genesis 4:1-12 3.19.2022 Message Takeaways We fall every time we choose a way other than God’s to pursue peace and goodness. When we reject God and choose our own way to peace and goodness it has a destructive ripple effect.  The human family’s connectedness to God and one another roots us in God’s peace and goodness.  

The Coming Kingdom: Justice at the Well

March 5, 2023 • Elder Le-toyja Avehart • John

The Coming Kingdom is God’s divine reordering of the world as we know it, reconciling all things to Himself. Though it begins in personal encounter, the expression of His forceful goodness is intended to impact all of His creation through our surrendered lives.