
The Voice: The Language of Dreams & Visions

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Acts 2:14–18, Joshua 1:8, Romans 12:2

One of the most frequently used languages in all of scripture is the language of God given dreams, visions, thoughts and ideas.  Not only is God still using this means of communication, He promised in the last days He would use them even more.  We must reverence the language of dreams and visions that God might move us beyond the boundaries we’ve set for ourselves and others, into His perfect will.  

More from The Voice

The Voice -- The Voice Of God

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

We will never know a voice, like the voice of God. He alone is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. No one knows us, keeps us and has thoughts towards us like Him. We must prioritize His voice, His words, His thoughts over every other. There is no voice like the voice of God. 

The Voice -- Sign Language

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Matthew 16:1–4

God speaks in sign language.  He uses signs to warn, caution, direct and to confirm.  Signs speak even when we aren’t listening, so we can’t say we weren’t told.  But when we decide we want to hear from God, signs speak so loudly it’s as if we’ve entered another world. A world where God speaks through sign language.

The Glory and the Voice

August 13, 2023 • Exodus

One of the key features that marks out a Christian as a child of God is the ability to hear the voice of God. Although the capacity to hear God is given to us, spiritual deafness can and does still happen for numerous reasons. The key reason for not hearing God is due to not cultivating a walk and relationship with God. We must renew our walk daily so that we can learn to hear God clearly. Exodus 15:1-22