
Awaiting His Arrival: He Named Him Jesus

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

The birth of Christ is the most radical act of Love the world has ever known. In an age of excess, empire and power — Yahweh Elohim, the covenant making God, carried out His plan of incarnation. By the womb of a virgin, He made a body for Himself, that He might offer Himself, to restore mankind to Himself.

Joy - It's an Inside Job

December 17, 2023 • Elder Mary Jackson

Joy is rooted in who God is. It is not a fleeting feeling based on external circumstances. Possessions, accomplishments, even the people in our lives, may bring us intermittent feelings of joy. However, the source of all perpetual joy is Jesus.

Peace- God’s Gift

December 10, 2023 • Elder Le-Toyja Averhart

Peace is God’s gift to the believer, birthing His shalom in this fractured world. As we celebrate this Advent season, may we embrace the fullness of this Divine essential and our role as sharers of Peace in every space we are dispensed.

Triggered By Hope

December 3, 2023 • Elder Mike Dixon

God has hopes for us collectively and individually. However, His hopes don’t always align with our dreams or plans. Submitting to His will even when it may cause us personal harm or difficulty is critical to the ultimate fulfillment of the Kingdom of God.