
Turn Down For What?: All Hail the King!

January 15, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Acts 9:1–9

God is a gentleman, is a common refrain among clergy and followers of Jesus. It captures the meekness that’s a part of God’s character. He has all power; He is present in all places; and He knows all things — but He doesn’t use His power, presence and knowledge to bully His will into our lives. But there are times, both in the Bible and our personal experience, when God uses His power, presence and knowledge to force His goodness on us. And when we find ourselves in those moments, it’s dangerous and possibly fatal to resist. When God wants, what He wants, for His creation and our lives, it’s best for us to bow and shout - All Hail the King!

Turn Down For What?!: A Different Kind of Opposition

January 29, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown

We live in a day and time where we address nearly every issue in some natural way. We are more likely to pursue counseling, therapy or medication than we are prayer, fasting and repentance. While natural remedies are important and they have their place. There are some things in our lives that are above natural remedies. They are a different kind of opposition.

Turn Down For What?!: Expecting

January 22, 2023 • Elder Mary Jackson

As we fast, there must be a focus, there must be an expectation. As a woman who has just been told that she is pregnant, there is preparation for what is to come. Expectation is the womb of manifestation.

Turn Down For What: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

January 8, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Brown • Esther 4:12–17

If we could take all of the decisions we’ve ever made and form a person with them, it would be exactly who we are right now. Our lives are the cumulative effect of decisions — the ones we’ve made and the ones that’ve been made for us. Fasting and prayer is one of those decisions. Fasting and Prayer is a decision to consecrate, dedicate — setting our lives apart to choose God over and over again.