Healing Wounds of the Heart

September 8, 2024 • Pastor Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown

Sep 5, 2024, 6:30 PM (4 days ago)

to Christopher, Deborah, Joy, Michael, Jill, Lee, me


We live from the heart. It’s the innermost part of our being. We may think with our minds and act from our physical bodies, but we live from the heart. When our hearts are whole, healthy and pure we think and act as powerfully as we were designed. But when the heart is wounded, weighted down and broken it hinders and even corrupts our thoughts and actions. Oftentimes, what we describe as, “the way God made us”, would be more accurately described as the way life has wounded or broken us. But there is healing for our wounded and even broken hearts.  God wants us to not only be made whole; God wants us to learn to live whole. 

Scripture(s): (NKJV)

• Matthew 25:14-30

• Psalm 34:19


“If your concept of God is radically false, then the more devout you are, the worse it will be for you.” — Dany Akin, A Theology for the Church 

9.8.2024 Message Takeaways

1. God hasn’t given us all the same gifts but God has the same expectation for us all.

2. We're concerned about what we experience but Jesus is more concerned about what we conclude.

3. Disconnecting from our feelings is not an act of faith; it’s an act of avoidance.