
The Good And Perfect Father

May 26, 2024 • James Allison • James 1:13–27

Last week we started a new series in The Book of James. This book is about real faith. Not a faith that fills out a card or raises a hand, but is otherwise invisible to the world around us. But instead, this book is about the faith that is so infectious that when it grabs hold of your heart it works it’s way out into every single area of your life.

Last week we talked about the kind of person that can rejoice in the midst of pain is someone who knows something. Not someone who's out of touch with reality but someone who's in touch with a deeper reality. Someone who understands that there's potential locked up in their pain. And that although this situation is uncomfortable, I can know that God is working in it to grow my faith and trust in Him. 

So, we looked at Joy being the awareness of God's grace in your life. Joy isn't informed by circumstances; true joy informs every circumstance. And we can experience this way of looking at things as trials come our way because in faith, we can see the trial as a deposit and not a withdrawal. The trials are coming not to destroy us but to develop us - and ultimately deepen our faith. 

So, we know that God tests us so that we can stand. But the enemy will tempt us so that we will fall. And today we will see that the temptation in trials is to break trust with God. As temptations come our way, we have a choice to react in faith or unbelief. Will we trust that God is strong enough to provide for us? Is God faithful to meet our needs? Is God compassionate about our pain and heartbreak? Can I trust Him?

Today we’ll be looking at how we choose to answer those questions about God on our worst days. And as we’ll see, how we view God as a Father, will go a long way in determining just what answer we respond with.