One Church | Session 12 | Michaela Lawrence Jeffery | Ephesians 6:10-17
Michaela Lawrence Jeffery • Ephesians 6:10–17
1. Why does disunity scare us so much?
2. Is it possible for us to stop critiquing our differing expressions of incarnation or is that simply a nice idea?
3. Some of our hymns use war as a way to talk about our Christian experience—In what way could this be helpful?
One Church | Session 11 | Laurence Turner | Ephesians 5:21-6:9
1. How exactly has Jesus loved the church?
2. How might our homes question our society’s conventions, for the sake of the gospel?
3. Was Paul revolutionary enough? What would you have done and is there something today you would change but are holding back on?
4. When should you push and when should you wait to make change happen?
5. Do we push further than Jesus?
One Church | Session 10 | Alex Bryan | Ephesians 4:17-32
Alex Bryan • Ephesians 4:17–32
1. What is the biggest threat in your life in being desensitized?
2. What is the biggest opportunity in your life to be resensitized
One Church | Session 9 | Tim Gillespie | Ephesians 4:14-16
Tim Gillespie • Ephesians 4:14–16
1. What are your Anchor Points?
2. What are your Waypoints?
3. If you were to be a beacon, what would you be bringing people into?
4. What does a mature faith look like to you?
5. Do think about the church as an organization or an organism?
6. Is your faith complex or complicated?
One Church | Session 8 | Joyce Newmyer | Ephesians 4:1-13
Joyce Newmyer • Ephesians 4:1–13
1. What can we do to stop the tendency for humans to take over the pruning from the gardener?
2. How could we create a better sense of belonging in our faith tradition – belonging for those who feel pushed to the edges?
3. Is there room for all the body parts to stay attached to the body, even if they don’t always get along?
One Church | Session 7 | Iki Taimi | Ephesians 3:14-20
Iki Taimi • Ephesians 3:14–20
1. Does the principle of love supersede theological arguments, social issues, and difrerence of cultural contextual norms? Why or why not? And how then do we navigate with love?
2. What might God do through you as a community of love? And as an individual?
3. How would a fuller understanding of God’s character of love (vs. knowledge) change the way we function as a community in a fractured world (i.e. politics, social class, ethnic and racial tension, etc.)
4. How does the distinctive of Present Truth help to clarify or hinder the church by way of “love surpassing knowledge”?
One Church | Session 6 | Sara May Colon | Ephesians 3:7-13
Sara May Colon • Ephesians 3:7–13
1. What is the manifold wisdom of God?
2. How does that idea of manifold wisdom take root in everyone?
3. What is God’s eternal purpose?
4. What do we bring to the conversation ?
5. What do we bring to light or how do we use the light, in community?
6. How do we live out true gospel message?
One Church | Session 5 | Japhet De Oliveira | Ephesians 3:1-6
Japhet De Oliveira • Ephesians 3:1–6
1. Access is part of the mystery of God’s plan. What does it mean to be Sussoma (soos'-so-mos) with all?
2. Who has surprised you that God spoke to you through their life?
3. Who determines who belongs and who does not belong?
4. Paul is sharing what he received directly from God. This begs two questions:
a. Is there something that supersedes scripture?
b. Where is the ultimate authority in our spiritual lives?
One Church | Session 4 | Dilys Brooks | Ephesians 2:11-22
Dilys Brooks • Ephesians 2:11–22
1. In the context of the passage and the lyrics, what does it mean to be "One in the Spirit" and "One in the Lord"? How does this unity relate to the identity of Christians as described by Paul?
2. Why does Paul emphasize the importance of remembering who you were, whose you are, and who you are becoming? How can this remembrance contribute to staying on the assignment of following Jesus?
3. The concept of surrender is discussed, particularly surrendering the past, surrendering to whose you are, and surrendering to the process of becoming. How do these acts of surrender align with the idea of being "built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit"?
4. How does becoming a "holy temple in the Lord" resonate with the challenges and opportunities of being a diverse and inclusive community, as mentioned in the message to become One Church? How can this process be slow and messy, and why is it essential to keep trying despite failures?
One Church | Session 3 | Kyle Smith | Ephesians 2:1-10
Kyle Smith • Ephesians 2:1–10
One message from a weekend gathering of the One project in Orlando, Florida, February 2024.
1. Has there ever been a time in your life when it seemed that life was overpowered by death?
2. When have you experienced a “but God” moment in your life? Was it what you thought it would be? What did you learn?
3. Has your Church ever shown up in a way that helped you understand what it means to be; “Alive together in Christ”?
4. What does it look like practically for the church to be a “colony of heaven in a country of death?
5. What are some ways you can be the voice declaring, “but God,” to those around you?
One Church | Session 2 | Lisa Clark Diller | Ephesians 1:15-23
Lisa Clark Diller • Ephesians 1:15–23
One message from a weekend gathering of the One project in Orlando, Florida, February 2024.
1. What does it feel like to have the eyes of our heart enlightened? When have you seen this or experienced it?
2. How have you observed the power of God in the church? What would you like such power to look like?
One Church | Session 1 | Sam Leonor | Ephesians 1:1-14
Sam Leonor • Ephesians 1:1–14
One message from a weekend gathering of the One project in Orlando, Florida, February 2024.
1. What do-it-yourself project are you most proud of?
2. Share an experience of being chosen. How did that affect your sense of identity and purpose?
3. Chosen, adopted, redeemed: How does the emphasis on God's initiative challenge our typical focus on personal achievement and self-improvement?
4. What practical steps can churches take to not be merely purveyors of self-improvement programs? How can we become places that learn to love because we understand “God first loved us.”
One Church | Worship Night | Sam Leonor | "Praise"
Sam Leonor
One message from a weekend gathering of the One project in Orlando, Florida, February 2024.