
Our Origin

Part 2

January 1, 2022 • Chris Hartenstein

This Video contains photos and videos from several sources that are may or may not be explicitly mentioned. We are in no way affiliate with any of these sources, nor do we intend to harm the credibility of each organization.

All Photos for the videos The Story of the Bible and The Tree of Life are property of The BibleProject. The New Frontier Ministries does not own, nor do we intend to take responsibility or credit for their creation. Our intention within this video is to show in an engaging way the story of Genisis 1-3 and Cain and Abel.

The Story of the Bible and The Tree of Life are copyright 2017 and 2020 by BibleProject and are available for viewing at www.bibleproject.com

All footage from the movie, Man of Steel is the property of Warner Brothers Studios. The New Frontier Ministries does not own, nor do we intend to take responsibility or credit for their creation.

All photos from the blog post, Cain and Abel are the property of Answers in Genisis. The New Frontier Ministries does not own, nor do we intend to take responsibility or credit for their creation.