
Conversations That Matter with Alex Newman

How the Deep State Infiltrated Trump's Cabinet and How to Stop It in a Second Term

June 21, 2024 • Alex Newman, Mark Moyar

In 2018, Mark Moyar, a senior political appointee at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) revealed to agency executives that he had found evidence of wrongdoing involving five career bureaucrats. A sophisticated retaliatory conspiracy, masterminded by senior bureaucrats, started when a Special Operations general falsely accused Moyar of disclosing sensitive material and resulted in Moyar's removal. Moyar, the author of the new book Masters of Corruption: How the Federal Bureaucracy Sabotaged the Trump Presidency, joins Conversations That Matter with Alex Newman for The New American magazine to break down his story, plus share solutions for how President Trump can avoid the infiltration of his cabinet in a second term.

World War III is on the Horizon as Congress Pushes Women for Draft: Ron Paul

June 20, 2024 • Alex Newman, Ron Paul

The military industrial complex is itching to make boatloads of cash off of foreign wars and conflicts and perhaps the beginning of World War III as Congress makes moves to add women to the draft, explained former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul in this episode of Alex Newman's Conversations That Matter for The New American magazine. Additionally, Dr. Paul, a former presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2008 and 2012, also explained the plot to undermine the U.S. economy through inflation and the intentional weakening of the dollar and the solution to it: constitutional currency through gold and silver. But despite the enormity of the battle Americans face, Dr. Paul challenged listeners to "stick to your guns and stick to the Constitution" while endeavoring to save the homeland.

WHO's Global "Health" Police State Can Be Stopped: Top Int'l Law Expert

June 11, 2024 • Alex Newman

Despite a minor setback this month at the World Health Assembly, the United Nations World Health Organization is moving ahead on imposing a totalitarian global "health" police state on humanity, warned University of Illinois International Law Professor Francis Boyle in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman on Conversations That Matter.  Both the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Treaty are a "brutal" power grab by Big Pharma, the CCP, and other evildoers, he added. And it is all based on lies. Incidentally, Dr. Boyle—who wrote the implementing federal legislation on the Biological Weapons Convention—said those behind the COVID and the injections were in violation of it.​ For more great content, visit http://www.thenewamerican.com For more episodes of Conversations That Matter, visit https://thenewamerican.com/video/newman

"International Court of Criminals" (ICC) Threatens Humanity, Warns Expert

June 10, 2024 • Alex Newman, Bill Jasper

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a dangerous fraud that recognizes none of the protections for rights and due process that Western peoples fought to secure over many centuries, and is in fact a criminal operation, warns investigative journalist and author of books on the UN William Jasper in this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. Jasper, who also serves as senior editor of TNA, was in Rome covering the international meeting that created the ICC via the Rome Statute. In short, he saw the "sausage" being made, and it was not pretty. Jasper also interviewed top legal minds in the late 1990s and early 2000s as the process was taking place, and has unique insights—and warnings—about the danger of what he calls the "International Court of Criminals."

Diabolical "North American Union" & Regionalizing Government: Hrvoje Morić

June 3, 2024 • Alex Newman

The cat is out of the bag on the scheme to impose a "North American Union" on the United States, Mexico, and Canada — a plan by diabolical elitists to subvert freedom and sovereignty — explains Geopolitics & Empire host and longtime academic Hrvoje Morić in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. The plan is at the core of globalism and all major political parties embrace it, explained Moric, who lives in Mexico and taught the future elite at one of the nation's most prestigious universities. Morić also offers insight on the broader geopolitical implications as the world moves toward regional governance at the expense of nations, noting that the European Union is the model globally. Already, the process is well underway in North America, too.   Related Article:  Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union https://thenewamerican.com/world-news/north-america/mexican-president-calls-for-eu-style-north-american-union For more great content, visit http://www.thenewamerican.com For more episodes of Conversations That Matter, visit https://thenewamerican.com/video/newman

Bird Flu & WHO Deal May Unleash 'Perpetual State of Pandemics': Dr. Brian Hooker

May 22, 2024 • Alex Newman

In light of the bird flu coverage spreading its wings in the mainstream media, Dr. Brian Hooker, the chief scientific officer for Robert F. Kennedy's Children's Health Defense, told The New American's Alex Newman, "I am not concerned at all," commenting that human-to-human transmission of the virus would likely take a very long time to materialize without foul play and government-backed "gain-of-function" schemes.  Additionally, Hooker, who co-wrote the book Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak with RFK Jr., said that the upcoming World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic accord is related to the bird flu hysteria, warning of a "perpetual state of pandemics" that must be stopped by activated and educated citizens.  Ultimately, Hooker shared that the government is never the answer to health emergencies, saying, "We cannot really trust the CDC to do anything except for things that I think are duplicitous and nefarious." For more great content, visit http://www.thenewamerican.com For more episodes of Conversations That Matter, visit https://thenewamerican.com/video/newman

Communist Cuba Sows Chaos on US Soil W/ Frank De Varona

May 17, 2024 • Alex Newman

The communist regime enslaving Cuba, put in place by the globalist Deep State establishment, is actively fomenting chaos on American soil and around the world, warned renowned Cuban-American scholar and author Frank De Varona in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. De Varona invaded Cuba at age 17 in the Bay of Pigs invasion to help free his homeland, but was betrayed and then captured and tortured for two years. That same regime is working closely with highly trained "activist" leaders and organizations on U.S. soil to encourage violence, division, terror, and ultimately, revolution, de Varona warned. Authorities must respond.   Related Article: U.S. Globalists Put Castro in Power and Kept Him There https://thenewamerican.com/us/culture/history/us-globalists-put-castro-in-power-and-kept-him-there For more great content, visit http://www.thenewamerican.com For more episodes of Conversations That Matter, visit https://thenewamerican.com/video/newman

Could Biden Use Executive Order to Let Illegals Vote? Catherine Engelbrecht

May 13, 2024 • Alex Newman

The Joe Biden administration may be plotting to allow illegal immigrants to vote using executive orders and decrees, warned True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in this interview with The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman. Engelbrecht, a leading figure in the fight for election integrity, also warned that the administration was putting pressure on states to effectively allow more non-eligible individuals to register to vote, further straining the already embattled election and voting system. However, she offers ideas on what can be done to stop it all.

Christian Nationalism or Christian Patriotism? William Federer Explains

May 7, 2024 • Alex Newman

The media-driven demonization campaign against "Christian nationalism" is seeking to undermine Christianity and patriotism while working to exclude Christians from civic life, warned historian William Federer in this episode of Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Federer, a renowned expert in history and author of many books, also offers key information on U.S. history and the role of the Bible and faith in the formation and development of the United States.  For more great content, visit http://www.thenewamerican.com For more episodes of Conversations That Matter, visit https://thenewamerican.com/video/newman

UN 'Climate' Summit a SCAM: Environmentalist "SustainaClaus"

January 2, 2024 • Alex Newman

DUBAI—Even though many participants are well-meaning, the United Nations COP28 "climate" summit is a pre-scripted fraud to sell an agenda that will not actually save the planet but will help oligarchs consolidate power and control, argued Canadian environmental activist "SustainaClaus" at the UN summit in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. A lot of it is about making more money, he said. Before wrapping up, SustainaClaus outlined his views on an alternate system to help "heal the Earth."

Fed to Blame for Economic Pain as Big Banks Win: Top Economist

April 23, 2024 • Alex Newman

The Federal Reserve is responsible for so many of Americans' economic woes including inflation, malinvestment, the booms and busts, and more, explained Mises Institute President Thomas DiLorenzo in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. DiLorenzo, a former economics professor at Loyola University, said the federal government's interference in the economy is also hurting Americans. The big winners of the inflation and the Federal Reserve's manipulations that are hurting workers and savers are the bankers and the politicians' cronies, he added. However, the problems can be fixed by restoring sound, gold-backed money and an honest monetary system.   Related Articles: Suckish Socialism https://thenewamerican.com/print/suckish-socialism Killing Capitalism With ESG & “Natural Asset Companies” – Utah Treasurer Speaks Out https://thenewamerican.com/video/killing-capitalism-with-esg-natural-asset-companies-utah-treasurer-speaks-out

UN Demeans Moms as "Unpaid Care Workers" in War on Family - Kimberly Ells

April 5, 2024 • Alex Newman

The United Nations is stepping up its war against family and especially motherhood by vowing to eliminate "unpaid care work" (mothering) and force moms into the workforce while children will be cared for by taxpayer-funded government workers, explained Family Watch International Policy Advisor and pro-family author Kimberly Ells. Having recently returned from the UN Commission on the Status of Women meeting in New York, Ells said the main takeaway from the summit was that the state should usurp the traditional role of mothers as women are "liberated" by going to work outside the home. That is the "universal daycare" agenda being pushed by Joe Biden. Ells, who wrote the book The Invincible Family, warned that the UN agenda would be beyond destructive. However, she is confident that the family will survive the assault.  

UN Plot to Digitize, Track & Control EVERYTHING: Sociable Editor

April 9, 2024 • Alex Newman, Tim Hinchliffe

The Bill Gates- and Rockefeller-backed United Nations "50 in 5" plan aims to digitize identity, currency, and everything else on the road to controlling and modifying the behavior of humanity, warned The Sociable Editor Tim Hinchliffe in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Hinchliffe, among the first critics of the scheme to sound the alarm, pointed to India as the example, and a major warning for humanity. The government response to Covid helped justify the emergence of this so-called "Digital Public Infrastructure" (DPI) around the world, with vaccine passports serving as a key driver. Hinchliffe also shares his thoughts on how to resist the schemes.  

"AI-pocalypse" Coming Soon? Yes, Warns AI Expert Titus Blair

April 1, 2024 • Alex Newman

Artificial Intelligence is going to take over every single job that is done on a computer in the coming years, and it poses major threats to humanity, explains AI expert Titus Blair in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Blair, who built and sold multiple technology companies before becoming a full-time Christian missionary, wrote a book on how AI could serve as your "personal superhero" and help you in your work and more. But as he learned more about it, the dangers and the inevitable loss of millions of jobs became more apparent, hence his upcoming book "Aipocalypse" coming soon. Blair still believes AI can be a helpful tool, but he offers a sober warning and valuable advice as the technology advances at breakneck speed.

Congressman: Brazil Becoming Dictatorship After Biden's Election Interference

March 21, 2024 • Alex Newman

The Biden administration interfered in Brazil's election and helped bring to power a radical who hates America and is openly aligning Brazil with top geopolitical foes of the United States such as China even while arresting critics and persecuting dissidents, warned Brazilian Congressman Gustavo Gayer in this exclusive interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman.  Congressman (Deputado) Gayer, who last week led a delegation of Brazilian lawmakers and journalists to Washington to sound the alarm, also warned Americans that as Brazil continues sinking into a dictatorship, it could result in millions of his countrymen fleeing to the United States, making the ongoing illegal immigration crisis seem minor by comparison.  Brazil is rapidly becoming a dictatorship as Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his allies in the judicial branch work to imprison their opponents while freeing actual criminals from prison. Even foreign journalists are being arrested in Brazil for their opinions, Congressman Gayer said. And it is going to get worse if the world does not speak out.  Deputado Gayer also warned of a powerful communist network known as the Sao Paulo Forum (Foro de Sao Paulo) founded by Lula, Fidel Castro, the Sandanistas, and various Marxist narco-terrorist organizations. This network is taking over Latin America and working to extinguish freedom, and unfortunately, U.S. authorities are either silent or even complicit.  Don't miss this hugely significant interview!