
The Rivalry - week 1

The Challenge

August 15, 2021 • Matt Roberson

There is a rivalry raging for our hearts. Does our value come from what we accomplish and earn, or who we were created to be? Scripture tells us God made us in his image and that this makes us infinitely valuable. So what does this have to do with money? Find out this Sunday in the first week of our new sermon series The Rivalry.

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The Rivalry - week 4

September 5, 2021

When we think about generosity, our minds usually go to our finances, but what would it look like to live a generous life? To be open handed with our time, our forgiveness, our patience? What if emptying ourselves actually leads to ultimate fulfillment? Join us this Sunday as we consider how to give our whole selves in our final week of The Rivalry.

The Rivalry - week 3

August 29, 2021 • Matt Roberson

Giving sacrificially is challenging. When we view our money as owners rather than managers, we allow our own passions to direct our giving. But the Holy Spirit whispers gently to us, commands us to trust Jesus with our finances, to invest in His eternal kingdom. So what does sacrificial generosity look like? Find out this Sunday in week three of The Rivalry.

The Rivalry - week 2

August 22, 2021 • Scott Rodgers

The Rivalry of the ages is God vs. Money. Jesus says that our heart's devotion is for one or the other, but not both. This Sunday we're looking at what the Scriptures call the tithe. What is it? Why is it something to consider, and is it for today? Find out this Sunday in week two of The Rivalry.