
Anticipation -- Hope (Compassion Sunday)

December 11, 2022 • Garry Firth, Grant Saip • Matthew 25:31–40, James 1:27

The exhilarating expectancy in the air on Christmas morning before you and your family open gifts; eagerly waiting for a big hug from the friend you haven’t seen in a long time; having trouble sleeping the night before a new job starts, or the first day of school. What do all of these scenarios have in common? Anticipation!

In this series, we will be exploring the peace, love, joy, and hope we receive when we live in anticipation of Jesus’ return.

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. What is your favourite family Christmas tradition? Why? How long has it been a tradition?

2. What is a hope you have for this Christmas or for 2023?  

3. What stood out to you the most from today?

4. Read Matthew 25:31-40 What stands out to you in these verses?

5. The word religion conjures up all kinds of thoughts - some good, some not so good. Read James 1:27. In what ways can this change people’s thoughts about “religion” and what it is and isn’t?

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