
Build Your Own Jesus (Easter 2023)

April 9, 2023 • Garry Firth • Mark 2:1–12

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. What would be on your ultimate burger or sandwich? 

2. Describe the version or versions of Jesus that you grew up with—whether you were a Christian or not. What was that version of Jesus like?

3. Read Mark 2:1-12 What stood out for you in this story? Who do you identify with the most? Those who brought the paralysed man to Jesus? The people in the room? The paralysed man? Why?

4. What emotions or thoughts come up for you when you hear the word sin? How would you define sin? What did you think of the statement: the problem with sin is that we don’t believe we have a problem with sin. Do you agree/disagree?

5. For Christians around the world Easter is the greatest day in history. Discuss what Easter means to you.