
I Have a Problem With: The Existence of God

May 7, 2023 • Garry Firth • John 1:1–3, Genesis 1:1, Romans 1:20

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1 - Have you ever doubted or wondered about God’s existence or questioned the creation of the universe? Why or why not? Have you ever had to explain those beliefs to someone? How did it go?

2 - The Moral Argument seeks to answer the question: If there’s no moral force behind the universe, why are we moral, personal, relational creatures? How would you answer that question? And if there is no moral force behind the universe, where do you think we got our sense of right and wrong from?

3 - The Cosmological argument claims that if something begins to exist, its existence is dependent on something outside of it that pre-existed it, causing it to come into being. (Remember that part about Edwin Hubble’s 1929 discovery that the universe had a beginning, which led to the big bang theory supporting Christianity’s claim that the universe couldn’t have created us or anything because the universe itself was created?) Have you ever considered the big bang theory as the same event as creation and evidence for the existence of God? Why or why not?

4 - Romans 1:20 says: “The basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being.” What thoughts come to mind when you hear/read that verse?

5 - What other questions or thoughts about the existence of God came up for you through this message and discussion?