
I Have a Problem With: Hypocrisy

May 21, 2023 • Russ Smith • Ephesians 2:8–10, Luke 5:27–31, Matthew 5:44, Romans 7:18–19, Romans 7:24–25

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. Ever felt like a hypocrite? Share a time when you have been a hypocrite (like getting irritated with someone tailgating you but then tailgating someone yourself.) 

2. In the message, Russ said “It’s not surprising that the church is full of hypocrites, because the church is NOT full of good people - it’s full of bad people!” What do you think about that?

3. Just because someone attends church doesn't mean they are a mature follower of Jesus. With that in mind, what should we expect our church to look like?

4. The Christian church has made mistakes, like The Crusades. What do you think about author Mark Clark’s words “These people (the crusaders) didn't know the first thing about Christianity because either they weren't actually Christians or they were naive about true Christianity all together.”?

5. Making mistakes is one thing, but if Jesus-followers aren’t even trying to live their lives differently - that’s something else. What do you think about that?

6. If you’re a Christian, what’s something you’re struggling with in following Jesus? How can we help you? Please let us know.