
Something Unexpected: Shepherds Lose It

December 15, 2024 • Russ Smith • Romans 12:18, John 1:29, Matthew 16:25, Luke 2:8–20, Romans 5:1

1. Have you ever felt like you were going to “lose it”? (get angry with someone, not know which way to go in life, etc.) Or maybe you did “lose it” - what happened?

2. In life, all kinds of unexpected things can happen. What’s Something Unexpected that happened to you over the past year?

3. God did Something Unexpected when Jesus showed up as a baby (nobody was expecting the messiah to be a baby!) How has God worked in unexpected ways in your life?

4. Russ talked about 4 things we could take away from this message:

-Make Peace

-Don’t Be Afraid


-Lose It

Which one of those did you connect with the most?

5. Where do you feel you’re at in having peace with God?

6. In the movie clip, Iron Man said, “You throw another moon at me, and I’m gonna lose it.” In Matthew 16:25, Jesus said, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” What are some ways you can “lose it” this week and this Christmas?