

Episode 5

September 10, 2023 • Joel Sikha • Genesis 29:15–35

Is worship only for musicians? Do we absolutely need song writers to tell us what to sing for our worship to be "worshipful?"

Do you know that you write songs everyday of your life in worship? They might not be songs that rhyme or have a tune to it, but we are all worshippers. Could it be possible that there are some songs in our personal worship library that need to be removed, rewritten or refocused?

Stay tuned, this message is going to have you singing a song of freedom as you get your song back.

Practical Worship

October 22, 2023 • Joel Sikha

Worship is not supposed to be so abstract but it's very tangible and something that everyone can grasp. Get ready for a practical message as we bring our series in worship to a close. After all the theological implications, historical references, and spiritual significance the Bible also tells us how to practically worship with our lives and our bodies. Get ready to open the doors of worship in your life.

Revival in Worship

October 8, 2023 • Joel Sikha

Do you know that in every person there is a longing, a hunger, for the divine? This desire is recognized in all worldviews and cultures, but has its satisfaction only in the cross of Jesus, our Saviour. This desire and hunger for God is what revival is, and like the world, it is very possible for the church to try and find its satisfaction in its made up rituals and religion. In this series in worship, we have to confront the ways we hinder revival, and as we repent, we will see revival in our hearts, lives, and our church again.

What Makes A Worship Song?

October 1, 2023 • Joel Sikha

We have seen various aspects of worship in this series, but today we address something that we take part in every single week - Singing! What makes a song, a worship song? Can anyone be a worship singer? What was the first worship song in the Bible? Stay tuned, all this and more will be answered straight from scriptures. Also, keep a pen and your notes handy, because you are going to be writing your own worship song by the end of this message.