
Freedom From Pride

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Lance Bradley

During Trapped In Freedom, we learned how to find freedom from shame when our mess-ups and mistakes define us. We've talked about what to do when we don't understand God and even tackled one of the church's secret sins: pornography. In this message, Pastor Lance talks about something more challenging to detect in our lives: pride.

There are many misconceptions about pride—one is that it's always a sin. So, what causes pride? Is it sinful, no matter what? How can you keep it from becoming a blind spot in your life? Watch this message to find out!

Freedom From Porn

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Lance Bradley

In this message, Pastor Lance gives some practical and hopeful steps for what to do if you find yourself trapped with a pornography addiction. If you or someone you love has this addiction, it can feel isolating and even overwhelming. The side effects of porn can have adverse effects on the brain, sleep, and sex drive, as well as lead to anxious thoughts. Whether you're the one experiencing this, or it's someone you love, you're probably tired of the sexual, relational, and spiritual pain. Know that God loves you and wants to provide a way to freedom.

Freedom From Shame

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Lance Bradley

Do you ever feel like your mistakes define you? If so, you could be trapped by shame. Shame can make you feel like you're unlovable or unworthy because of something you've done in the past. It is an epidemic that affects parenting, friendships, work, and even marriage. Shame is believing you are something you're not. In this message, Pastor Lance will show you how to be free from shame by taking you back to the Garden of Eden. God didn't create you to carry shame. He wants you to walk in the freedom Jesus came to give. If you're ready to discover how shame could appear in your life and how to experience freedom from it, then watch this message.

When You Don’t Understand God

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Lance Bradley

Have you ever felt like your life is falling apart? It's in those moments that God doesn't make sense. You think He's for you one minute, and the next minute, you're not sure. It's like He doesn't care, and that can lead to confusion, misunderstanding, bitterness, and even anger toward Him. Those feelings can trap you and keep you from walking in the freedom that Jesus gives. If you've ever felt like you didn't understand God or are trapped in a place you know you shouldn't be, watch this message. Pastor Lance talks about a person in the Bible who experienced those feelings and showed how God met their needs exactly when they needed Him. God can do that for you as well.