
2023 Broadcasts

Relationship Insights with Carrie Abbott

Hollywood Traps and Feminist Lies

December 29, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Landon Starbuck went to Hollywood to use her God-given gifts, only to discover the system is rigged. If you don’t do drugs and engage in other behaviors, you lose your chance. Landon shares her story and how she went from lies to helping protect kids from trafficking as the founder and President of Freedom Forever. We then look at a story of young women who believed the feminist lies that berating men and foregoing a family were how to make it big. Turns out that trap leads to loneliness…tune in for the rest of the story!

Are UFOs and Aliens Real?

December 28, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

There has been a lot of talk about UFOs, aliens, or other life forms due to thousands of sightings and interactions. So, how do believers process this? Hugh Ross, Astrophysicist, author, and founder of Reasons to Believe, provides insight you likely haven’t heard elsewhere. A truly remarkable understanding, along with decades of experience, make this conversation invaluable. We also investigate a “Text with Jesus” app and unidentified names found in a particular leader’s emails, hiding his identity.

Where is God When You Need Him Most?

December 27, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

What is the presence of God, exactly? Christians often talk about seeking ‘God’s presence’ or praying for God ‘to be present with us.’ But what exactly does that mean? Bestselling author, speaker, and radio host Susie Larson joins us to explore this question from her latest book, Closer Than Your Next Breath. Susie is a wellspring of courage and joy, in the midst of pain and beauty. You will be inspired to draw closer to the Lord!

Are We Weeping Over Our Nation?

December 26, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Our nation is decaying, and yet we know God is intervening. He will use His people, the Church, to pray, intercede, speak out, and serve in His name. Are our hearts, minds, and even our bodies ready for any assignment He gives? Pastor Shane Idleman joins us to bring his insights on the importance of weeping, humility, and even fasting in preparing our hearts for God’s leading.

Let’s Claim a Generation Through Prayer

December 25, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Believers are deeply concerned about what we see happening in all areas of influence in our nation. There is a war, and the family is the target and children are the bullseye, according to strategic prayer mobilizer Cheryl Sacks. Yet we have great hope because prayer changes everything! Cheryl joins us to reveal her 21-day prayer strategy for praying for public and private schools, and you will be invigorated as she brings her passion as well as her insights on prayer!

The State of Working, and Non-Working Men

December 22, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

A recent report, “The State of the Working (And Non-Working) Man,” chronicles the problems working-age American men face in fulfilling their vital role as providers, including the disappearance of jobs paying a family wage, the explosion in the cost of middle-class goods, and the mass exit of men from the labor force over more than half a century. The family is struggling because men are struggling, including suicide rates soaring and a system that needs fixing. We investigate the details and some possible solutions. Rubio Releases Labor Report: “The State of the Working (And Non-working) Man” | Senator Rubio (http://senate.gov)

Economic Suffering Stifling Maturing in the Young

December 21, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Despite having a college degree and a decent job, 24-year-olds or even 30-year-olds are not independent because of the level of indebtedness today due to college tuition, rent, and other damaging economic trends. This stunting of natural growth is not just bad for individuals; postponing marriage and children has a lasting impact for generations. We look at the details and helpful insights from Jeffrey A. Tucker.

The Leftist Desire for World Control

December 20, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Is it possible the left’s willingness to open borders is proof of Replacement Theory worldwide? Or is that another right-wing conspiracy? The left’s support of lawlessness, licentiousness, and ideology that tear down the family reveals their true desire to control through degradation. We examine insights from Jeff Davidson and Mark Lewis that make a strong case in this discussion on power and control. James Madison knew what was needed in framing the Constitution, and now…tune in to find out!

The Superpowers of Women and Mothers

December 19, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Do you know why women and mothers are so powerful? Would you like to know why the dropping fertility rates in our nation will impact everyone, not just married people? Are you aware of the latest research showing why mothers live longer, have less cancer, and overall have better well-being than others? The importance of women and mothers in God’s plan for family, faith, and our nation’s future is something we can all celebrate!

Gender Ideology and Legislation Needed at the State Level

December 18, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

So, what is gender ideology? According to Jay Richards, PhD, it is the source of the false belief that children can be born in the wrong body, which doesn’t accommodate the reality of sex. Those promoting it don’t want you to use real terms or define it clearly, so they can continue to create confusion. Jay joins us to explain this troubling trend, and he brings solutions, making the case that states need to pass legislation clearly defining male and female. Jay is one of the best on these issues, so don’t miss this!

Christian Genocide in Nigeria Happening Now!

December 15, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

Christians are being murdered, and churches and villages are burned to the ground in Nigeria. The Nigerian government isn’t stopping the atrocities. Judd Saul, founder and Executive Director of Equipping the Persecuted, brings us alarming news. Douglas Burton is an independent writer specializing in Nigerian terrorism and shares his first-hand accounts of this ongoing tragedy. Important!

Processing the Pain from a Prodigal

December 14, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

There are very few pains in the life of a parent as difficult as having a prodigal son or daughter. Many men and women have walked away from their faith, so what should a parent do? We look at the definition of a prodigal, then go through a beautiful blueprint for healing and help for parents. It isn’t too late for anyone to return to their loving Heavenly Father! In this season of miraculous birth, we seek God’s heart for anyone who has strayed away from Him.

Wisdom for Buying and Selling Real Estate

December 13, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

What plans should people make if they want to age in place in their home? Is there a good way to transfer wealth to the next generation, and if so, when does this strategy actually start in a child’s life? Should we follow Dave Ramsey’s ideas about debt, or are there exceptions? How is the real estate market right now? The answers to all these questions and more from our go-to expert, Gordy Marks, will surprise and encourage you!

Christmas Movies and Messaging

December 12, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

It’s Christmas season, so time for family movies! Adam Holz with Plugged In helps us decipher what is naughty and what is nice. We have a great discussion, offer some helpful tips and bring you movies you will love and others that you might have forgotten. Then we look at 17 key items you regularly incorporate into your Christmas celebration but may not be aware of the spiritual meaning behind it. We also include a few tips from the Abbott Christmas idea list.

University Leadership Meltdown

December 11, 2023 • Carrie Abbott

In a high-profile congressional hearing, the presidents of three of the top universities in the US refused to explicitly say that calls for the genocide of Jewish people violate campus rules on harassment. We look at their responses and examine why so-called ‘elite’ schools are unable to push back on antisemitism. Even Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar see the ‘light’ on their terrible responses. UPenn President Liz Magill has resigned, so what about the other two? Some are calling for tax exemptions to be removed from university endowments, and we also investigate CAIR (an organization working with the Biden Administration) and its ties to Hamas.