
Theology Lunch

How Do Liberal Christians Justify Same Sex Marriages?

June 25, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan

It's one thing for the non-Christians to justify same sex Marriages, but what about persons who profess to be Christians? Is not the Bible very clear on this issue? How do persons who claim the Bible to be the Word of God see support in the Scriptures for same sex marriage?

If the Apostle Paul Were to Write a Letter to the Kirk, What Would It Say?

June 25, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan

The Apostle Paul wrote many letters to individual churches in the Early Church Era, and in those letters he has some pretty specific things to say. If he were to write the Kirk today what would he say?

Is the Nation of Israel God's Chosen People?

June 18, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan • Romans 11

This is certainly a very hot topic these days. But if we were to remove all the geo-political issues surrounding this subject and just consider it theologically, what is the answer? Does the Lord still view the nation of Israel as His special chosen people in the New Testament era? How also are we to interpret Romans 11?

Tainting the Tithe

June 18, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan

A gift is a gift, right, and comes free of charges? Sure, but what if you know from where it comes and the source is not a good one? Should you still accept it? From another angle all together, is it right to redirect your tithe to the church to another worthy cause? Today, we get into the very practical questions of giving to the Lord our tithes and offerings.

PCA GA 2024: Day 03, Pressing On

June 13, 2024

PCA GA 2024: Day 01, Let It Begin

June 11, 2024 • Ty Donaldson, Geoff Gleason, Philip Ryan

Coming to you all from Richmond, Virginia, we have our special daily podcast from our denominational annual meeting, General Assembly. Today, we have questions from each of our distinguished panel and guests.

The Christian's Walk with Emotions

June 4, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan, Dan Opazo

We all have emotions, and rightfully so, as God gave them to us. But how much of our lives should be impacted by our emotions? Should we ignore and deny our emotions, be governed by them, or something else?

Should Christians Use IVF?

June 4, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan, Dan Opazo

Medical ethics is a subject that Christians cannot ignore, especially in an age where we have advanced so far that we find ourselves having to make decisions concerning life itself. Today, we take up a very challenging question concerning the beginning of life, namely should Christians make use of in vitro fertilization (IVF)? Parents, please take a listen in advance to determine if this recording is appropriate for your young children.

Where's Your America Flag in the Sanctuary?

May 30, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Ross Hodges, Travis Eubanks

As much as we love our home nation, is it right for us post an American flag within our sanctuary? Why or why not?

Why is Preaching Primary?

May 28, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Ross Hodges, Travis Eubanks

We talk a lot about the ordinary means of grace, but what does that mean? Further, of those means which of those means reigns supreme? Today we explore how and why the preaching of the God's word is the primary means of grace for the people of God.

Why Do We Have A Sunday Evening Service?

May 23, 2024 • Philip Ryan, Pete Whitney, Dan Opazo

It certainly is not the norm these days for churches to have a Sunday Evening Service, so why do we at the Kirk have one? Are super-Christians? Perhaps even before that, it is required or is it optional? Today we pick up with the reasoning and rationale behind why our elders at the Kirk offer a Sunday Evening Service.

Is Mary Immaculate? (Mariology)

May 21, 2024 • Pete Whitney, Philip Ryan, Dan Opazo

Have you ever heard that Mary the Mother of Jesus was perfect and that she did not have a fallen nature? From where do those thoughts come and how may they be supported Biblically? And are they correct? Today, we discuss these questions and more as we work through the theological subject of Mariology

How Did Christ Empty Himself When He Became Man?

May 16, 2024 • Philip Ryan, Pete Whitney, Dan Opazo • Philippians 2

We believe that Christ has two distinction natures (God and man) united in one person, but how might we understand this more fully? Did Christ empty Himself of His divine nature when He became man? Did Christ have a human mind but not a human will? Today we tackle a difficult question that the church has wrestled with throughout the centuries.

What is the Age of the Earth?

May 14, 2024 • Philip Ryan, Pete Whitney, Dan Opazo • Genesis 1

We all know that the earth is old, but how old? And how do we know? Further, how do we square this with the science and teaching of our day concerning the theory of evolution? Lastly, must all Christians agree exactly on this issue?

Demonology: Why Are Demons So Active in the New Testament?

May 9, 2024 • Philip Ryan, Pete Whitney, Dan Opazo • Ephesians 6:10–20, 1 Peter 5:8–11

As one reads through the Gospels and Acts, demon activity seems common place. Virtually in every place our Lord visits, He not only preaches the Word and heals diseases, but also casts our demons. Why were demons so active during this time period as to opposed to our own day and age? And are we missing something by not being more concerned about them?