

Aired August 2019 - May 2020

Land of Promises Part 3

May 6, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Today, Pastor Bill will remind you that the Israelites are God's chosen people. All throughout history, despite the efforts of many individuals and nations, God has rescued the Israelites at every step. During the absolutely terrifying time in world history known as the Holocaust, Israelites were being killed by the millions... But God saved a remnant... And in today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you that the scriptures encourage you to pray for the nation of Israel and for the people who live there.

Land of Promises Part 2

May 5, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Today, Pastor Bill will remind you that just because you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, it doesn't mean your life will be always perfect. Every prayer won't get answered right away or maybe even ever... But this is all a part of having a relationship with God. God isn't some genie that can grant you wishes... God wants a relationship with you, He wants to spend time with you in worship, prayer or scripture reading. You have to trust Him to make choices that are best for you... Not just granting every prayer.

Land of Promises Part 1

May 4, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Today, Pastor Bill will remind you that God has blessings in store for you if you have accepted Jesus. When you accept Jesus into your life, God began to shower blessing on your life... Although it may not always feel like it. Though God does pour out blessings on you, that doesn't mean your life is going to be perfect. Along with the promised blessings, God also promised that His children would have trials in this world... But God will never leave you high and dry. He will always come to your rescue.

Dying Faith – God is in Our Future Part 3

May 1, 2020 • Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you of the amazing power of prayer. When God placed you where He placed you, maybe in your community or church, He planted you there for a reason. Maybe you don't agree with every decision that your town makes, but as you'll learn today, you are called to pray for where you are planted. Pray for the leaders in your community, pray for your church leaders and pray for the leaders of your country... They all need prayer just as much as the next person.

Dying Faith – God is in Our Future Part 2

April 30, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Today, Pastor Bill will encourage you to be thankful. In today's fast-paced culture, it can be difficult to be thankful. Maybe your neighbor just bought a new car, it's hard to try to be thankful for the car that you have... But as Pastor Bill will remind you, while it is important to be thankful for what you have... Most importantly you have to be thankful for the opportunities God has given you. He placed you where you are, in your church or community.

Dying Faith – God is in Our Future Part 1

April 29, 2020 • Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you of just how important baptism is. Baptism is the act of being dipped under water by your pastor or other church leader. This act in and of itself does not save you... Only the sacrificial blood of Jesus can save... But this act of baptism is a statement. It is a statement to everyone in your church, in your family, and in your friend circle that you have chosen to follow Jesus Christ with abandon.

All Things Work Together for Good - Part 3

April 28, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Today, Pastor Bill will remind you that God has a purpose for the suffering you have endured. In the darkness of suffering it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel... But God has a plan. Your suffering could be used to help someone else through a dark time in their life. You could be the person who shares their life story with someone who is struggling... You could be the person who shares the love of Christ with someone for the first time.

All Things Work Together for Good - Part 2

April 27, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Have you ever been angry with someone? Of course you have! In the heat of anger it can be difficult to control the words that you say. You may something out of anger that you don't truly mean. Today, Pastor Bill will remind you that God is the judge of people that have wronged you. As easy as it is to do, you can't pronounce judgement on the people who have wronged you, it isn't your job to punish them... These things are to be left to the Lord.

All Things Work Together for Good

April 24, 2020 • Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you of important truths in Christianity. One of these truths is God's knowledge of the past, present, and the future. God is the master orchestrator of everything, He has planned and known everything that has happened in advance. God is omniscient... But just because God knows everything before it happens does not mean that you are controlled or a robot. You always have free will when it comes to Jesus.

First Time a Prophet Speaks - Part 2

April 23, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Have you ever known someone whose actions, consistently didn’t follow their words? It’s frustrating because you never know what they actually want to say or do. Pastor Bill talks to us today about how heavy are words can be. You may not think too much before you speak but that’s a weighty game to play. What you choose to say is important because it shows others your heart – your true intentions. Let your words be sweet and full of loving kindness; don’t say foolish things just to fill the silence.

First Time a Prophet Speaks

April 22, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Some people may tell you that anger of any kind is wrong. Pastor Bill informs us today though, that that’s not true; anger itself is not a sin. There is a righteous kind of anger. As a believer in Christ, there are things that should make you angry! But when it can become a sin, is how you decide to act on that anger. We’re called to live peaceably when we can and to stand up for what we believe in when the time arrives. Keep things in perspective; don’t blow things out of proportion simply because you’re upset.

Passing on the Blessing of God - Part 2

April 21, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Do you ever feel like you’re going life alone? Today, Pastor Bill talks about how God will be faithful to us, so long as we’re faithful to Him. It took Jacob a long time for it to really sink in that God was with him. Don’t ever think that you have to handle everything by yourself; don’t think that you have to carry the load all alone. Jesus loves you and He doesn’t ever want to see you hurt and overwhelmed. Call out to Him and He’ll take that burden off your back and carry it in His capable hands, just for you.

Passing on The Blessing of God

April 20, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Have you ever experienced unfaithfulness? Whether you were on the giving or receiving end, it’s a time filled with strong emotions and a lot of hurt. Pastor Bill talks to us today about how God is faithful to His children. Has He ever allowed you to go through something that was beyond your capabilities? He will never not take care of you. Just as he feeds and tends to the birds in the sky, so will He tend to the needs of His children, whom He loves so much. It’s a beautiful thing, to be shepherded by Jesus Christ.

Bond Servants of Jesus - Part 2

April 17, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Will you allow Jesus to turn you into His bond servant? Will you be a person who's all in for Him and His Kingdom? Pastor Bill teaches you today just what it means to be a bond servant and reminds you that as a Christian you're to be a bond servant to Christ. As His bond servant you'll recognize that all that you have in your life is His. You'll declare Jesus as your King knowing that He'll place you where you're meant to be and provide for you a life more incredible then the life you could've provided for yourself.

Bond Servants of Jesus

April 16, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Will people see the spirit of God in you. Will they realize that you follow the path of Jesus? Pastor Bill helps you understand Jesus's character and reminds you that you're to follow in Christ's foot steps. As you get to know Jesus better you'll be inspired by His ways and character and begin to take them on yourself. As you grow in Him you'll separate more and more from the ways of this world. They'll begin to see in you His kindness and grace. Your goodness will bring light to their lives.