
Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, Eternal Comfort In A Shaken World Part 4

June 23, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you that the rapture of the Church could take place at any moment! The Bible says that no man will know the hour of the coming of the Lord, He shall come as a thief in the night. So what does that say to us? We need to be ready! If Jesus is coming at any time, we need to be ready for Him when He does come! We need to be living our lives in a way that honors Him. We need to be sharing the Gospel with other people so that they can be ready with us!

Holy Spirit, Eternal Comfort In A Shaken World Part 3

June 22, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will share with you about the rapture of the Church! The rapture is a term that the Christian community uses to refer to when Jesus will return to Earth and take believers in Him to be with Him in heaven... But this event could be very frightening for some. The Bible warns us that there are also many scary signs that the rapture is about to take place. Things like war, famine, and earthquakes will be common... But think of the hope that we have in Jesus, let's share that hope!

Holy Spirit, Eternal Comfort In A Shaken World Part 2

June 21, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

The world that we live in is chaotic. It's full of people hating one another, hurting one another, lying, stealing, and so much more. It can be easy to go through life and be beaten down by all of the evil that can be seen running rampant in the world... It can be easy to lose hope... But in today's message, Pastor Bill will encourage you to place your hope and strength in Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus will conquer the sin of the world! There will be no more pain or crying in heaven, we will be with Jesus!

Holy Spirit, Eternal Comfort In A Shaken World Part 1

June 18, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

In today's message, Pastor Bill will discuss a difficult but important topic in many circles. What happens when you die? The Bible teaches that while you are alive, you have two choices. You can choose to live a life of sin and be eternally separated from God because of your sin... Or you can accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be reunited with Him in heaven when you die. Pastor Bill sums this up by saying that if you are absent from your body, you are present with the Lord.

Empowered By The Ghost Part 5

June 17, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

As believers and followers of Christ, it's crucial that we regularly “test” the spirits. But how exactly are we to do this? As Pastor Bill will teach you in his message today, we as believers do this by none other than going to Scripture. In his study, you'll also learn that your experiences with Scripture are a form of testing the spirits in and of themselves. Does your Bible reading experience seem dry? Well, today Pastor Bill will remind you that without The Spirit guides us through God's Word, we're less likely to glean from it.

Empowered By The Ghost Part 4

June 16, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Each and every one of us, whether we care to admit it or not, struggles with submission. In most cases, we even view it as a four-letter curse word. However, as believers and followers of Christ, we're called to submit to each other out of reference to Christ. In today's message, Pastor Bill discusses the why behind our call to submit to one another. In his study, you'll learn that by regularly taking in The Holy Spirit and continually seeking The Lord, submitting to others is not only possible but an act of worshiping God.

Empowered By The Ghost Part 3

June 15, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Many of us would probably be quick to admit that we'd much rather be with The Lord than continue on with the current state of the world. In some cases, we can even begin to question just why it is that The Lord leaves us here as if to suffer. As Pastor Bill will remind you in his message today, we're called to be both a testimony and a witness as sojourners on Earth. In his study, you'll learn the importance of our calling to offer the hope of Christ to others who have yet to place their faith in Him.

Empowered By The Ghost Part 2

June 14, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Many of us would probably be absolutely shocked if we knew just how many people rely on substances to mitigate their woes. As believers and followers of Christ, we too can sometimes fall into the trap of relying on other forms of escape, rather than Jesus. In today's message, Pastor Bill will remind you that as a recipient of God's Spirit, you can rejoice in any and all circumstances. In his study, you'll learn that by regularly asking God for a refilling of The Holy Spirit, you'll find no need for substances in your life.

Empowered By The Ghost Part 1

June 11, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Have you ever been described by a friend or someone you know as someone who overcomplicates things? When it comes to the will of God, almost every single believer and follower of Christ has a tendency to overcomplicate the basics of God's will. As Pastor Bill will teach you in his message today, you can take heart in knowing that several portions of Scripture are very specific. In his study, you'll learn that while there are unique callings, all believers are called to make use of the time we have wisely.

Living with the Ghost Part 3

June 10, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Often times we think that the obvious and easy way out of a bad situation is God’s way of opening a door. But Pastor Bill reminds us today that that’s not always the case. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned, an earthquake came and broke their chains. But instead of running – which seemed obvious – they followed the Holy Spirit’s lead and stayed. If they had fled, God’s intended work would not have been accomplished. They stayed where they weren’t wanted, listened to God, and led people to Christ through love.

Living with the Ghost Part 2

June 9, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Many people have a skewed idea of what the devil and his demons do in this world. We know the Bible speaks against fortune-telling and spell casting, but does that mean there’s no truth in them? Pastor Bill reminds us today that Satan often speaks truth…but He manipulates it until it’s a twisted truth. Be wary of what the devil is trying to accomplish around you; he’ll mock your truth and do his best to numb those around you to the message you have. Pay attention to the Spirit who leads you.

Living with the Ghost Part 1

June 8, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Many people think that if they follow Christ, their life will be so comfy, and they’ll be spared from troubles and hardships; Pastor Bill reminds us today, that that’s not the case. When Jesus left the earth, He sent the Holy Ghost to us, to comfort and to lead us. That doesn’t mean our lives will be comfortable just because we have the spirit… but it does mean that through the trials and in the face of tribulations, you have the Holy Ghost inside you, to lead you and direct you and to fill you with the peace of God.

Jesus Freaks Part 3

June 7, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

As a Christian, it’s hard to share the Gospel and not take rejection personally. But are we not blessed for that as well? Pastor Bill reminds us today that if you call yourself a Christ-follower, then you’re called to spread the Good News to any and all in your life. Don’t be afraid of the rejection; they’re not rejecting you, but Christ. All you can do is be a light, live like an example, and do your best to encourage those around you. Your gentleness and kindness will be enough to open the door and let God work.

Jesus Freaks Part 2

June 4, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Often times we identify with our parent’s beliefs and the way we were raised rather than our own personal opinions; many people identify as Christian even though they have no intimate or personal relationship with Christ at all. Today, Pastor Bill reminds us that Christ has no grandchildren – you can’t be adopted into the family just because you have connections. Don’t rely on your family’s faith to save you, because it won’t. Christian is just a well-known label for someone who loves and follows Christ.

Jesus Freaks Part 1

June 3, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

We often look at people who are different than us and cringe. Whether we don’t like their look or how they carry themselves, do we have any real reason to treat them poorly? Pastor Bill reminds us today that this behavior is nothing new. Humans have always judged others and oftentimes, they struggle even to treat them like humans! Don’t fool yourself into thinking that only you know what’s right. God has a plan and He sees no difference in you that makes you more or less worthy of His love.