Aired September 2021 - March 2022
The Final Word Part 3
February 2, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
You just can't say it any better than Pastor Bill does in today's message. We do everything we do because we want to get the call out there to the people, “Come! Come to Jesus and be saved!” Why do we care so much? We care because Jesus does. Because he loves each and every person and longs for you to come to him. And we know how great it is, following Jesus! And we want everyone to experience the fullness of life that he brings. So come today. Come to Jesus and have a life!
The Final Word Part 2
March 1, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
The whole of the gospel is contained in today's message. Cooperate with the work of the Spirit in your life, you get a bonus at the end! Want to know what the bonus is? Read the book all the way to the end and you'll see what amazing marvelous wonderful things God has in store for you! Pastor Bill tells us the plan: you get salvation by a gift, and you enter into the work to get the job done with the help and power of the Spirit working through you, and when you're faithful to the end? I'll give you a reward!
The Final Word Part 1
February 28, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Pastor Bill makes the call today, will you answer it? Get saved! Let's find the last person to get saved. Let's go to every person until we find the last one so that we can all go home to the New Jerusalem where we will live eternally with Christ and in the presence of God! And until that happens, let's keep sharing the good news with everyone we can because that's why we're here. That's why the church exists, to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a broken and dying world. The time is now!
The Perfect Ending Part 3
February 25, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
You do the same! Hang on to Jesus until he takes you home. Be faithful until death. Pastor Bill tells us the truth today—nobody wants to feel the pain of this life, but we are all called to be faithful to God through the pain and to death itself! Have you seen someone come to the end of their life and remain faithful in every moment? Maybe your mom or dad or a grandparent. They were faithful to the end and left a legacy of faith behind them! Your faithfulness will leave one too. You do the same!
The Perfect Ending Part 2
February 24, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Do you get as excited as Pastor Bill? In the New Jerusalem, there is the tree of life. We haven't seen this tree since the beginning in the garden—the one we were kicked out of! But in this garden, we get to eat of the fruit and have life! And its leaves are for the healing of the nations. Imagine that flowing to every broken nation on earth. Who knew there was such good news in the book of Revelation! If that excites you and you want to learn more, come along for the ride and hear what other great news awaits!
The Perfect Ending Part 1
February 23, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Don't listen to the devil. Don't worry about the darkness. Say “yes” to the love of God. Because he wants your heart. Give him your heart today. Ignore the devil, look past the darkness. Become part of the light of the world and bring joy to the heart of God! Pastor Bill reminds us that God wants our love but he won't force us. He gives us the choice! But we only have life on earth to choose and that life is fleeting. The sooner you give your life to him the sooner you will find true, abundant life!
New Jerusalem Part 3
February 22, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Whosoever may come! Imagine this scene in heaven, when your people walk in together and add to the glory in the room. And then the next group comes in and the glory grows. God spread his glory through the earth to every tribe and every tongue and without each other, we will never complete the kingdom of God. Pastor Bill paints the picture today of a heaven filled with glory, the glory of God, and the glory of the nations. You won't want to miss it! Join in with the nations in proclaiming the glory of God!
New Jerusalem Part 2
February 21, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Want to feel that physical release of stress? Dig in! Dig into the word of God to read and understand all the incredible things he has planned for us! The end of the story doesn't take place on this earth but on a new one!! All the pain, all the suffering, all the frustrations of this earth will be gone. Listen in today to hear Pastor Bill talk all about the New Jerusalem because listening will bring you hope. And who doesn't need some hope today? God gives us every bit of hope we need at the end of the book!
New Jerusalem Part 1
February 18, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Pastor Bill tells us today why we have the end of the story—why exactly the book of Revelation is included in scripture. God gave us the end of the story so that we can catch our breath and get the job done! The hope that is written on every page of Revelation is an inspiration to us to continue the work. To keep on one more day in the middle of the pain and the trial and the struggle. He gave us this book of Revelation so that we could have new hope and new life! Open the book today and soak up some hope!
New Part 2
February 17, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
A new creation will come following Jesus' second coming. This new creation will include community with the Lord. Until then, your community is the Church. While you patiently wait for the second advent, you've been called to pour into God's body of believers in His church. Pastor Bill encourages you to participate in the body now. Don't stay home and create your own community. God has created the church to meet His children's needs, now. The new will be so much better but dwell in the church now.
New Part 1
February 16, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
What's the difference between new and restored? While some car enthusiasts will argue a restored car is better than it was new, you can't say the same about restored jeans. Pastor Bill shares in today's message that you will inherit a NEW kingdom when Christ returns. This new Earth will be very different from the current. Once sin is eliminated, God's creation can shine like it was designed. You'll have community with Godin this new place like in the garden. You'll be able to walk side by side with Him and experience His glory firsthand.
Kingdom Come Part 2
February 15, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
If you think going to heaven will just be lounging around playing the harp, you'll learn a few new things in today's message. As Pastor Bill shares, you'll have a job, the saints will reign with Christ, and you'll have a LONG honeymoon with Christ, the groom. While there are many things in the book of Revelation we don't understand, there is plenty to look forward to. Like a new earth, no Devil, and no more tears. One thing is for certain. To get into Heaven, you must know Jesus as your savior.
Kingdom Come Part 1
February 14, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
How can you know for certain the second coming of Christ will happen as described in the Bible? There are some crazy predictions, maybe Paul was just dreaming? The reason, as Pastor Bill shares in today's message, is, the first advent has already occurred just as scripture described. We know Jesus fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies. God kept His word once, He will keep it again. You don't have to understand all the prophecies, just be confident that they will happen.
The WORD Comes to Earth... Again! Part 2
February 11, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
The good news is that God so loved the world He sent His son so we could have a relationship with the Father. This was the first advent. There will be a second advent when Jesus returns to earth to call His sheep home. Jesus is faithful, and we know He will return because He came before over 2000 years ago. But as Pastor Bill shares in today's message, He will also bring His wrath. The wrath of the Lord will turn bad people into bird food. He will bring justice to the earth, and His kingdom will reign for 1000 years.
The WORD Comes to Earth... Again! Part 1
February 10, 2022 • Pastor Bill Gehm
Those who profess Jesus as Lord and Savior before the tribulation will become His bride. But there will be more who will come to Him during the end times. These individuals won't be His bride, but they will still be present at the marriage supper. As Pastor Bill shares in today's study, the party will be huge. This party and the honeymoon that follows will take place on earth. His kingdom will come once again to earth. The word will be made known to the ends of the earth with great singing.