
Light Bearers in a Dark World Part 3

Numbers 21

August 24, 2021 • Pastor Bill Gehm

After a great act of rebellion, God sent punishment on His people. And that, finally, caused them to see their sin and confess to Moses they’d sinned. And because of this, Pastor Bill explains today, God gave them a way to be saved. This salvation mirrored what Jesus would do to save people many years after this time in the desert. The people only had to look up to the snake on a pole to be saved. Today, people have to look up to Jesus on the cross and believe that it will save them, and it will!

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Faithful Friends, Foolish Counselors Part 2

April 18, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Have you met a Christian leader who is always trying to come up with logical explanations for your problems? Although they have good intentions, they are glossing over the most important influence in Christian life: God. The Lord sustains His people through means that are only sometimes understandable by humans. Pastor Bill advises you to seek a leader who recognizes the works of God in your life and encourages you to seek the Lord for the provision and answers you need to make it through.

Faithful Friends, Foolish Counselors Part 1

April 17, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Do you wish that you could have an easy, carefree life? Well, following Jesus may not be the best choice for you. You have the promise of an eternal reward once you reach the end of your life, but following Jesus almost guarantees that you’ll face more challenges in life. If those challenges don’t come from people around you, they will often come in the form of spiritual attacks from the enemy. However, Pastor Bill reminds you to praise God always and allow Him to raise you up and carry you through.

Blessed be the name of the Lord Part 3

April 16, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

There are so many spiritual forces waging war around us, but we don’t even notice. Angels and demons are fighting for influence over your life, and that can contribute to why you may feel overwhelmed or confused by the circumstances of your life. However, Pastor Bill encourages you in today’s message to keep the faith and be courageous. Don’t let your testimony be harmed by the negative things going on around you, but instead let them refine your story, and increase the power of your testimony.