
Crazy! You’re in a Crazy World Still Praising God Part 2

Psalms 33

May 17, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

I think it’s safe to say that everyone’s gone down a rabbit hole of emotions. People tend to overthink and be anxious. They start wondering why their life gets harder and start talking to God. “Why are you doing this? What have I done to deserve this? Why me?” And just when it gets bad, they start to lose their faith in the Lord. But God never loses faith in you. You can be down on your worst luck, straying away from God, but the second you seek Him, He will find you! So today, Pastor Bill reminds you to rest in God.

More from Book By Book

Love That Hates Part 3

June 17, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Thank You, Lord, for loving us, and choosing us even when we fall short! What comfort it brings to know that the God of the Universe calls us His own, and we can call out to Him as our Father. Today, as Pastor Bill continues to teach through Psalms 119, he reflects on the peace that comes with following God. The world will offer every challenge and distraction our way, but nothing can stand up to our God! Is Jesus your God today? Only He can bring the comfort and joy that the world falsely promises.  

Love That Hates Part 2

June 14, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Jesus is the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth, and the ONLY Life. The enemy will tease you with every other possible route but Jesus. In today’s message, Pastor Bill exhorts listeners to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus. Every path of this world always leads to death and eternal separation from God. Choosing Jesus means spending eternity with Him, and experiencing fullness of life on this earth. Have you been searching for “truth” and “life” in all of the wrong places? Call out to Jesus today, and follow Him! 

Love That Hates Part 1

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Are there things we are called to hate as Christ's followers? In today’s teaching, Pastor Bill will answer this difficult question by referencing the only source of Truth - God’s Word. Psalms 119 shows a genuine love for the Word of God, but it also points out the hate that we must have for wrongdoing. We should abhor evil. When we see it in the world, it should disgust us as believers! As your love and fondness for God’s Word grows, so will your “hate” for the evil things you see that are not of God.