
There's A Way

March 3, 2024

March 3, 2024 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

What do you hear or see when you hear the word 'repent'? I think of a preacher, sweating, red in the face, yelling from a pulpit, 'Repent you heathen!' Repent sounds harsh, confrontational; and well, we should hear some of that in that word, but Jesus also has this word surrounded by good news. One is not usually announcing good news screaming and judging. Jesus just said the rule of God is here and available. God has a will and a way. If, when you realize your way is not working, not the way; you realize you need His way, good news, you can have it. Here’s what you need to do repent and believe. Get off the road you are on. Stop going the wrong way. And get on God’s way. He loves you. He forgives you. And He wants you to have all that comes with His way, His rule. This is the heart of God.