
Easter at Luke's: It Starts with a Parade

February 20, 2022

February 20, 2022 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

Here I am today starting an Easter series in February, also the earliest I have done that, and Easter is not till April 17. I have so often handled both Easter and Christmas with 2, 3, maybe 4 messages; but there is so much more. And I wanted to do something a little more thorough. I choose Luke, for his expressed purpose of a gospel account that encourages our certainty. When it comes to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, we need to be certain, so certain, we’d stake our life on it, as many have.

Easter at Luke’s: An Unknowing Conversation with God

April 17, 2022 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

Happy Easter, and welcome to The Heights Baptist. What an honor to gather with you here in person and online, and to do so for one reason: He is alive! He is alive! Easter is a Sunday we usually turn to the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and look at His crucifixion or resurrection, but today is a little different at The Heights. Today is the 9th message in a series where we have walked verse by verse through the last week of Jesus’ life and we’ve already covered the cross and resurrection. And the story bring us today to what happened afterwards, and that’s where we live, afterwards. Turn in your Bible or Bible app to Luke 24:13-53.

Why Don't Believers Believe?

April 3, 2022 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

Why were the disciples not so filled with anticipation, that they were at the tomb waiting for Jesus? Is it because they were overwhelmed with grief? Scared of the Roman guards? Okay, that’s real. But when the women tell them Jesus is alive, His body is gone, they’ve seen angels – the disciples treated their report like nonsense? Shame on them. Yes, they do go and see what is going on at the tomb, and leave wondering what happened? They’re fools, and they don’t deserve to see Jesus. It’s not right for them to have called this nonsense. Yes, believing someone has risen from the grave is hard to believe. That’s not normal. It’s not even abnormal. It just doesn’t happen. Period. So, there’s that. But there is the power of God for whom nothing is impossible and that makes it possible to believe the unbelievable.

An Extreme Death Brings an Extreme Warning

March 27, 2022 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

What was a painful moment for you? Can your memory feel that pain right now? I can’t imagine any of us has any kind of experience with pain that would help us understand what Jesus endured. Let me read Luke 22:66-23:46.