
Prodigal - The Older Son

August 21, 2022

August 21, 2022 • Rev. Mike Osborne

THE END! Shut the book! For many, maybe even most, that is where the parable ends because that is what we think the parable is all about. Looking at it from our vantage point, we tend to come to the celebration of the lost son coming home and feel good and warm hearted. That is especially true if we have experienced salvation ourselves, realizing that we who rebelled against God and tried to go our way were welcomed home by our heavenly Father. And because of that, we may think of the audience in front of Jesus being teary-eyed and joyful. But for at least half the crowd that was definitely not the case.

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August 14, 2022 • Rev. Mike Osborne

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August 7, 2022 • Rev. Mike Osborne

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