
Jesus' Prayer For Us

March 17, 2024

March 17, 2024 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

I’ve always been intrigued by the layout of the gospel of John. We have 4 Gospels in the Bible that tell the story of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. John does that in 21 chapters, and 5 of those chapters, chapters 13-17, are about what went on in the Upper Room that Thursday night before He was crucified. That means 24% of John covers 3 hours of Jesus’ life. Now in this 24% we see what Jesus was doing, thinking, talking about, and praying for the night before He knew He would be crucified. What would be important to you if you were healthy, strong, of sound mind; but only had about 18 hours to live. These chapters are showing us what Jesus did. He ends with a prayer. I want to look at the end of that prayer, the last thing on His heart and mind before He steps into His passion.