
A Sovereign, for You

December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

The headlines for weeks in the Roman Times, Jerusalem Today, and every other paper would have been, Augustus Mandates Census. And that caused a great amount of time, money, and headache. We have been studying the Christmas story for 4 weeks, and now today we come to the heart of the story. Look with me at Luke 2:1-20.

The Faith of a Child

December 19, 2021 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

Today we finish our study of the Christmas story as the Holy Spirit gave it to Luke. It is a story about an 8-day old Jesus, and two other children, Simeon and Anna. Luke 2:21-39.

What Happened to the Awe?

December 5, 2021 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

What gives you a sense of awe? You might be thinking, the mountains and the moon sure, but the castles and the football game. Yep, God did that. Look with me today at Luke 1:57-80. This is the fourth of our six Christmas messages from the Gospel of Luke. I have learned so much, been challenged so much in this, and I pray the same had been true for you.

Leave the Enemies to the Blood

November 28, 2021 • Dr. Randall T. Hahn

Thinking about the Thanksgiving table, and then coming today to the Lord’s Table, reminded me of how much of life is lived around a table and a meal. There are all kinds of traditions and ways from one family to another, one culture to another, but in a birthday, an anniversary, a Thanksgiving, a Christmas, a wedding, and even a funeral, it always involves a table and a meal and the people gathered around it. Our Lord, the great I am, the First and the Last, the One for whom all things were created by and for and through, Jesus; also lives life around a table, with a meal, and those He loves.