
Already-Not Yet

Romans 8:18-30

March 28, 2021 • Tim Jirrels

Creative Director Tim Jirrels covers Romans 8:18-30, focusing the hope we have in Jesus. In this passage, Paul says that the things we suffer in this life are nothing at all compared to the glory that waits for us. Tim explained that as Christians on earth, we are trapped in the tension of the "Already-Not Yet". When you surrender your life to Christ, you become a child of God. And yet, we live this life of suffering and sin, hoping for the day that God makes everything new. We live in hope of future glory when God will give us our new, glorified bodies, there will be no more pain or suffering, and we will be with Him always for eternity. But how do we live focusing on that hope, instead of focusing on the life in front of us? Watch this message to see.

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The Message of Romans

June 27, 2021 • Rick Baldwin

After 16 messages on the 16 chapters of Romans, in this final message of 14 Pages we present an overview of the entire book of Romans. Senior Pastor Rick Baldwin breaks The Message of Romans down into two basic themes: • God’s Grace Poured Out Upon Us (Chapters 1-11) • Our Response to God’s Grace (Chapters 12-16) Attached is a list of key verses from Romans that goes with the message. These verses outline God's plan for our salvation and our walk with Him. Romans is an essential guidebook for those who are seeking and for those who have found God.

Romans 15

June 13, 2021 • Rick Baldwin

There is so much division in our current culture, even within the Church. This past year, when we should have been coming together to help one another like never before, has instead separated us even more. Romans 15 says that as Christ-followers, we are to live in harmony with one another. Watch this message to see what that means, and how we can become more Christ-like with one another and our world.

Romans 13 & 14

May 30, 2021 • Rick Baldwin

Though Christians live in this world, we are citizens of the kingdom of God. Though it looks chaotic, we can find peace knowing God has the final say in who rules the governments of men. Watch this message, "Romans 13 & 14" from our 14 Pages series to see what the Bible has to say about our government and the authority it has over us.