

April 2, 2023 • Jeff Maness • 1 Corinthians 10:13, Luke 10:18–19, 2 Corinthians 4:16–18, Matthew 6:9–13, Ephesians 1:19–20

At the end of the Lord's Prayer Jesus says to pray, "And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one." Some translations add, "For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." (Matthew 6:13) In this last message from the Pray Like This series, Pastor Jeff Maness shows us that God’s power is available and accessible for those who believe!

The Way of the Disciple

March 26, 2023 • David Miller • Matthew 6:9–12, Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8–9, Hebrews 4:16, Ephesians 4:31

As we continue our study of The Lord's Prayer, we come to the verse that asks us to check our hearts, Matthew 6:12, "and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." Living in relationship with God requires that we forgive those who have hurt us, but forgiveness is not always easy, especially if that person hurt us in a very deep way. It may give us a sort of comfort or a feeling of self-righteousness to hold on to that hurt and unforgiveness. But God knows that this not only hurts the one who won't forgive, but more than likely those around them, as well, as that unforgiveness turns into bitterness. Bitterness grieves the Holy Spirit, makes us hard to live with, thwarts God’s plan for our lives, and can suck the life out of you. This message, "The Way of the Disciple" by Pastor David Miller, will help you find freedom from any unforgiveness you may be holding onto, even if you didn't realize it was there.

Seeking the Provider

March 19, 2023 • Chris Taylor • Matthew 6:9–11, Matthew 7:9–11, Exodus 16:15–20, Matthew 25:25–33, James 1:17

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus told us to ask the Father to, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11) Just as in Exodus 16:15b-20 when God provided manna for the Israelites each day, just enough for that day, we are to trust God to give us what we need each day. But we don't seek God because of what He can give us. If we did, we would miss so much! In this message, Worship Arts Director Chris Taylor teaches us that, "Seeking Jesus for who He is is more important than seeking Him for provision." Watch to learn how: 1.) Jesus gives us, or provides, our daily needs. 2.) We have faith for the provision, but we trust in the provider. 3.) JESUS IS OUR ULTIMATE PROVISION!

God's Will

March 12, 2023 • Jeff Maness • Matthew 6:9–10, Isaiah 53:3, Matthew 26:36–46, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:43

God does not want His children to go through suffering, but because of the broken world in which we live, we will likely all experience suffering of some kind at one point or another. What is important is how we respond to God's will for our lives, even when it involves potential suffering. Pastor Jeff Maness teaches us to look to Jesus' suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%2026%3a36-46&version=nlt for our ultimate example. Even in the midst of such anguish that He sweat blood, Jesus accepted God's will for His life, because He knew that God knows what's best at all times, and that God would strengthen Him for what lies ahead. We can have this same confidence in God, our Father, and know that our response to potential suffering is more important than our protection from it. Watch as Pastor Jeff explains how best to pass through suffering by seeking God, submitting to God, and by receiving strength from God.