
When Does Satan Win?

Week 1

February 12, 2023 • Tom Lance • Jeremiah 8, Jeremiah 9, Jeremiah 10

Application Questions:

- Has there ever been a time when we pushed God far enough, where He could be close to saying of us – enough is enough?

- Have you ever drifted from God? What safeguards have you put in your life to make sure this doesn’t happen. (It happens slowly, until we like Judah, look just like the culture around us.)

- Forgiven people can still come to church with wrong motives and bring God insincere worship. What kind of worship did you bring Jesus today?

- How easy is it for us to drown out the voice of God? Have you ever asked, how in the world can a believer act like that and think it is ok? Or better yet ask that question of ourselves. How could I have ever gotten myself to this place, involved in behavior like this? 

- Has something gone haywire in our thinking here on earth where we have elevated ourselves and our worth, thinking that we could do or accomplish anything apart from God’s great mercy, love, and blessing on us? How can this happen to us today?

- What is that thing, that one part of your life that you chase after most, that one item that occupies your thoughts and desires?  Is it under control, could it become a god to you? 

- Is there something in my life I give myself to that keeps me from giving myself to Jesus completely. If I stood before God today, what would He say it was? 

More from Align


March 19, 2023 • David Reynolds • Jeremiah 20

Application questions: 1. Is there someone you have been sharing the gospel with that continues to ignore it? How might this be affecting your relationship with God? 2. Have you ever felt like Jeremiah feels in this passage? 3. Is there any cause that you need to commit to the Lord today? Is there something that you have been holding onto that the Lord wants to take and fight on your behalf?

Shaped by God

March 12, 2023 • Daniel Bishop • Jeremiah 16, Jeremiah 17, Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah 19

Application Questions: - How do you think God is shaping you right now? - What is something you have seen God keep from you that you wanted, but were later glad you didn’t get? - Is there any area of your life where you are trusting in man or yourself? - How have you seen God’s blessing in your life when you do trust in Him? - What area of your life has been hardened by your pride? - What is an area of brokenness in your life where you need God today?

Reusable (HANDS Weekend)

March 5, 2023 • Trevor Christmas • Jeremiah 14, Jeremiah 15, Jeremiah 13