
Living Up to the Standard of the Gospel

Week 3

February 18, 2024 • Dr. Dan Wilson • Philippians 1:27–30

Application Questions:

Living Up to the Standard of the Gospel  

- Do people see the Gospel when they see your life or hear you speak?

- What can you do right now to be more focused in that direction of living up to the standard of the Gospel?

Fighting for the Gospel

- What specific things can you do to press into this fight?

- Are you all in for the Gospel?

- Are you ready to tell your story?

- Are you ready to share the Gospel?

- What can you do to get ready for the fight?

The Gift of Suffering in Hardship

- What can you do today to start the adjustment to your perspective about your struggles?

- What can you do to shift the focus from you to Christ and the Gospel?

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