
A Battle Worth Fighting

Week 3

November 5, 2023 • Tom Lance • Philippians 1:28

1. Did anyone have a cooler car than Tom’s 65 mustang in high school or college? Talk about your favorite car during that time.

2. What does it mean to you to be fearless as a believer for the sake of the gospel today?

3. What does frighten you today? Is it ok and natural to be afraid of some things?

4. When you hear that God is sovereign and in control of everything, how does it make you feel during struggles and hard times? What is your understanding of a sovereign God?

5. John 15:20 NIV: Remember what I told you (Jesus speaking) A servant is not greater that his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. Does this mean any time you face persecution it is because you are walking worthy of the gospel, and you are facing opposition for that reason?

6. Read Philippians 1:6: being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Talk about the moment God began that “good work” in you and where He has brought you so far. Are you amazed at what God has done in your life?

7. Talk about the fearless faith of the Apostle Paul as well as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they stood firm for God and Jesus during difficult times. Paul in prison and the three Hebrew boys facing the fiery furnace. How would you have done in those situations? How have you seen God use you and your fearless faith at times to help others in their faith journey?

8. The apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy 4:6-8 fought the good fight. What is the good fight you are fighting today? When you die what will people say was most important to you and what you gave your life to?

9. Do you face most persecution for standing firm on biblical issues or from making dumb decisions, selfish choices, or flagrant sin choices?

10. When you stand firm are you gentle with people that oppose you, or are you more of a bully?

11. Who do you see as opponents today to Christianity and our walk as believers?

12. Do you believe John 14:6 that Jesus in the only way the truth and the life and no one come to the father except through Him? Is that a biblical truth you won’t budge on today?

13. Do you have your own personal biblical theology of God that will help you get through difficult times or when the world opposes your view of the Bible and God? Do you know what you will say and how you will live before difficult things happen in your life?

14. What are the biblical fights you are willing to stand firm for today and walk worthy of the gospel for in your life?

15. Have you had that moment in your life where you told God you are “all in” and will live your life totally for Him no matter what? Do you feel like you can share that moment with your group?

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