
Beautiful Salvation

Week 4

October 8, 2023 • Joe Hobbs • Esther 8—10

Discussion Questions

1. Review the whole story of Esther. What was the main point of the story of Esther leading up to the last three chapters?

2. Read Esther 8:1–17 and highlight all “the reversals” that happened to the main characters in this story.

3. How would you describe “the reversal” you experienced when you, like Mordecai, received the blessing of God’s grace and favor, plus a new identity as a Believer in Christ?

4. Read and discuss 1 Peter 2:9 and 2 Corinthians 1:21–22.

5. What does it mean that all mankind is destined for death? How does Adam sin and rebellion in the garden affect your life?

6. In what ways has your mourning turned to rejoicing because of the grace and forgiveness of the Lord?

7. There are two laws according to Romans 8:1-2. The law of Sin and Death and the second law of the Spirit of Life. Explain how the Spirit of Life sets me free from the law of sin and death.

8. The last point in Joe’s message is to “Send the Couriers.” Why is it so important to send the couriers?

9. In the sermon, Joe challenged us that the local church is responsible to send the second edict (The Good News) to the nations! Why is this challenge so hard for us to do? What is stopping you from going? I realize that it is not easy and it requires something radical.

10. The Mission’s Course is going to be at The Grove on October 14 at 5:30 PM. I may not be able to be a courier, but I want to play a part in getting the Good News to the nations. Do you want to go to the course to find out your role in the Great Commission?

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