

Week 5

September 10, 2023 • Daniel Bishop • John 6

Application Thoughts

-People are going to question their faith and seek answers. That’s normal and good.

-Make sure your home is a place where questions are welcomed and your kids are not scared to bring up doubts.

-The same is true for our church. Your questions and doubts are welcomed here and you will not be judged

I have had so many questions in my walk with the Lord. I have been here since I was 8.

I can attest that this is a church that has not judged me, but walked with me.

-If you are in a crisis of your faith I know that can be scary. You are not the only one who has been there. John the Baptist questioned Jesus, Doubting Thomas questioned Jesus, King David questioned God many times. However, When we seek God in our doubts we will find answers, gain clarity, and our faith will grow

-Be honest with yourself in your questioning. Are you truly seeking Jesus with all your

heart or just critiquing the failures of those who hurt you in the church or misrepresented it? Get to the heart of why you are questioning Jesus and you faith. Lean into community. Seek wise counsel.

-Studies are showing that out of the 40 million who have left the church 8 million dechurched people are willing to come back. It’s not a matter of belief for them, but of belonging. People are waiting to be invited to a healthy church. Who can you invite?

-After hearing the words of Jesus in John 6? Are you ready to give your life to him and follow, or are you ready to walk away? What will you decide? Decide to follow Jesus today.