This is an 8 lesson, in-depth study, into the life, mind and teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Lessons included in this series are: "Jesus in the Old Testament", "The 7 Statements on the Cross", "Jesus in the Book of Revelation", "The Mind & Convictions of Christ", and much more.
Jesus in the Old Testament
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
It has been rightly stated that if you miss Jesus in the Old Testament,
you've missed the ultimate purpose of the Old Testament.
Welcome to our study of More About Jesus. In this lesson, we're
going to be thinking about Christ in the Old Testament.
In this lesson, we're thinking about one of the really powerful and
unique studies in the life of Christ-that is Jesus in the Old Testament.
Someone has rightly said, ‘If you miss Jesus in the Old Testament, you've
pretty much missed the ultimate purpose of the Old Testament.’ Starting in
the Garden of Eden, and working its way through the patriarchs and the
prophets, and the kings of Israel- the ultimate message is: The Messiah,
Christ, is coming. In the New Testament, we're introduced to Jesus, not as
a promise or a prophecy, but rather as a reality.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
What Was Jesus Really Like?
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"You will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their
sins," Matthew 1:19-21.
Welcome to our study of ‘More About Jesus.’ In this lesson, we're
considering, what was Jesus really like? This one that we hear about
coming from God, who is God with us, how did He live his life? What are
the things He did that were important? What was His character, His person,
and His nature really like? How did He talk and act? What are some of the
things that were extremely important to the Lord and Savior?
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Jesus' Statements on the Cross
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
The cross of Christ is the single most important event in all of human
history. But what Jesus said while He was up on the cross, those are some
of the greatest statements that have ever been made. We're going to be
thinking about those in the scripture today. We're going to be studying
about the seven statements of Jesus on the cross. And so, I want to
encourage you to find your Bible and have it read as we're going to look at
some very powerful statements of Jesus that He made in the midst of great
anguish and suffering.
As we introduce this idea, I want you to understand that these
statements must have been very important- for it would've been very
difficult for Jesus to say much on the cross because of what He had
suffered. Think about the beatings leading up to this. Jesus was slapped in
the Praetorium. Jesus had a crown of thorns placed on His head. He was
flogged with a cat of nine tails, beaten over and over again. A purple robe
was placed on Him, and His hands and His feet were nailed to a wooden
cross. He hung there in agony. For every breath, Jesus would have to put
pressure on the nails in His ankles to exhale. He had to put pressure on the
nails in His hands.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
The Convictions of Christ
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
Jesus said with conviction, "Unless you believe that I'm he, you will
surely die in your sins." John 8:24.
Welcome to our study of more about Jesus. Today we're thinking
about the convictions of Jesus Christ. What are some things that Jesus felt
passionate about, that He was absolutely convicted on? What type of
things should Christians be convicted about today if we're going to follow in
the footsteps of Jesus? Locate your Bible and have it ready as we're going
to look to the word of God, as we study about the convictions of Christ.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Jesus, Friend of Sinners
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
In Matthew 11:19, it is said of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, that
He was a friend of tax collectors, and a friend of sinners.
Welcome to our study of "More About Jesus"; in this lesson we're
thinking about the beautiful idea of Jesus as a friend of sinners. There's no
doubt the Jews meant that as a derogatory statement, but how true it is,
nobody could be a greater friend of someone in sin than the Lord and
savior Jesus Christ.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
The Mind of Christ
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
The apostle Paul said, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in
Christ Jesus", Philippians 2:5.
Welcome to our study of the selfless mind of Jesus. As we've been
looking in this series of lessons on the topic of more about Jesus, in this
lesson, we're thinking about how selfless Jesus was in His mind, thinking,
life, and in His attitude. Christians need to also be selfless today. This is
kind of the opposite of the way much of the world is today. Much of the
world is selfish, much of the world is a ‘me first, me, and mine first’
mentality. ‘If it doesn't profit me and doesn't benefit me, I don't want
anything to do with it.’ Jesus was not that way. That's not the way
Christians should be either.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
The Narrow-Minded Jesus
May 19, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
Jesus said, "Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of
the scribes and the Pharisees, you will, by no means, enter the kingdom of
heaven." Matthew 5:20.
Welcome to our study of "More About Jesus." In this series of
lessons, we've been thinking about the life of Christ, and trying to be more
like him. In this lesson, we're thinking about the narrow-minded Jesus.
Jesus was narrow-minded on certain subjects. In fact, you'll often hear
Jesus say ‘verily, verily,’ ‘truly, truly,’ ‘unless,’ ‘if and only if’ these are the
things that Jesus definitely felt strongly about.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)
Jesus in Revelation
May 24, 2022 • The Gospel of Christ
"These will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them,
for He is Lord of Lord and King of Kings."
When you think about images of Jesus, I want you to think about His
power, His majesty, and His victorious nature as seen in the book of
Revelation. Let's think today in our study about more about Jesus, about
Jesus in the book of Revelation. It's a totally different picture, and one that I
think you'll really be excited to see as we study together.
(The full transcript is available in the "Download Document" button above.)